New Writer Here

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I'm a new writer here on Wattpad. I chose writing here after I left college. Haha. I want to reach my passion and decided to start here.

 I want to reach my passion and decided to start here

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Not gonna lie but my stories will be filled with links that will help me support my writing

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Not gonna lie but my stories will be filled with links that will help me support my writing. As of now, I have no funds and here I am, working. Hehe.

I also work in one of the convenience store near my house. So this story would be a lot like my personal life but still its fiction. It may be true or not. Ha!

Also, I know it's stupid - not going to school, but I wouldn't know if I would not try it. I wouldn't know if I can find success here. I gave my self a year to figure out. That's why I will still go back to college a year after. Hope you can support me. I appreciate it so much.

Please, feel free to skip those links

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Please, feel free to skip those links. You don't have to force yourself, but if you like my stories and would like to support my page, please visit the links.

The links are sometimes for affiliate marketing, referral codes, or other sources of funds. Don't worry its safe.
Just message me.

Always share the love. 😍😍. Toddles

Passion Of The HeartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt