Chapter 3: Paying for another's crime...gladly(re-uploaded)

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When they reached my neck I thought I was going to die. How could they be this cruel? My breathing became sporadic and my vision started to blur. Now, all I could see was distorted figures and their twins. I couldn't handle it any longer, so I gave into the darkness.

When I woke up, I was still tied and hanging from the ceiling. I lost track of time but it seemed like forever. My underwear was at my ankles and Keegan and his goons were gone. I gave a sigh of relieve, but not without a little pain vibrating through my throat. They came back in and untied me. I fell to the floor, numb. They tore the tape off my mouth, leaving it stinging and taking a few strands of my hair with it. Two of Keegan’s goons took one of my arms and began to drag me out the room and down the hall.

My legs were dragging against the cold floor and I could feel a breeze up my dress. I underwear were still wrapped around my ankles. There were girl in the hallway that I could hear murmuring and gasping. I was humiliated. Twice, they dropped me only to pick me back up and to continue dragging my body. I couldn't move anything. Every part of my body radiated with pain. 

When we got back to my room, Keegan unlocked the door then the goons dragged me in and dropped me to the ground. My wolf was crying out in pain. She never cries. “Oh, tell Jillian I’ll see her the day after tomorrow, like always,” he slammed the door shut leaving me to my nightmares.

I woke up again and my body stung from the lacerations. I saw red everywhere. I tried to move, but it just made the pain worsen. Not long after I heard the door open again and Jillian dropped to her knees next to me.

“M-Mason, are you okay?” she asked in a shaky voice. “What did they do to you,” she rubbed my back then pulled my underwear up. It was embarrassing. “D-did they rape you?”

“No,” I croaked. All the screaming had made me lose my voice. “Everything hurts. I can’t get into bed. Can you help me,” tears rolled down the side of my face. I felt broken. It hurt to even speak. I couldn't sobbed because the pain would make me pass out again. 

“Okay, wait here, I’ll be right back,” she said before the door closed. Where the hell was I going? I continued to sob until I heard the door open again, but this time I heard more than one pair of feet.

“Oh my goodness! What did they do to her?!” I heard Sammy’s southern accent. “Uh…uh, Mason, we’re going to lift you up, okay?” she said. “Mason?”

“No!” I shout. The pain was horrible. “Just give me a minute,” I groaned.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing and sniffling, I was ready for them to pick me up. “Okay,” I grimaced. “Do it now before I change my mind,” my words sounded a bit jumbled.

“Okay, on the count of three,” Sammy said as her and Jillian slipped their hands under my body. “One…two…three!” they both picked me up and my body vibrated with pain. However, it was over in no time. They lay me on my bed in a bloodied heap. Jillian started tending to my wounds, and then Sammy left.

It wasn't long when we heard another knock on the door. Jillian answered it. I turned my head slightly and saw that it was Sammy again and Angela was behind her. She had food in her hands. “I hope this is okay. It was all I could sneak away with since it’s past dinner time.”

Knock, knock, knock. Jillian walked over to the door. “Oh hello,” Jillian said.

“Hi,” a voice replied. “Can I talk to her?”

“Uh, sure,” the door closed.

“Mason?” I looked up to see that it was Caroline. She looked a lot better than before, although her nose hadn’t completely healed. She had a worried look on her face. “T-thank you,” she cried. “No one has ever done anything like that for me.” She knelt on the floor and took my hand. “Why did you do it?” her brows furrowed.

“Because I hate that bastard,” I said, “that’s all.” I know I sounded mental, but I don’t care. She didn’t need to know that I did it because it was killing me watching her get beat. I needed to make sure everyone knew I was strong. I was not going to get eaten alive in here.

“Oh…well thank you,” a tear ran down her face. “I’m so sorry for what they did to you,” she wiped at tears with the back of her hand. “I hate him so fucking much!” she turns away from me. “How can someone think they can treat people like that?”

“Where do I start?” Angela chimed in. “We’re all young, ranging from 15-17 years old, and most of us are from single parent households. Some of us are leftover and every day we don’t get pick, we fear for our lives. They prey on girls like us for a reason…they can get away with it. You think the Headmistress gives a fuck? She knows and she lets it happen!” Angela threw her hand in the air, fuming. “They—”

“But she tried to give the girls chances,” Jillian cut in. "She gives them warning instead of strikes. The Headmistress cares.”

“Warning!” Sammy yells then lowers her voice. “How many of those warnings do you think add up to a strike?”

“What about Mrs. Bellows?” I snorted. “Is she in on it too? I would be surprises if she wasn’t.”

“Of course she’s in on it," Angela threw her arms in the air. "Her mate works with the Elders. She can do whatever she wants. At least until her mate throws her away like hot garbage. I hope I can see the face on that bitch when she’s back in here, permanently."

“Why don’t we just escape?” I ask. They all looked at me like I just consumed a ton of dirt.

“What?!” Jillian says. “Have you lost your mind? What if the staff heard you Mason. We could get our tongues cut out for saying things like that. No one escapes this place.” Thought about what she said, but I’d rather die running than becoming submissive.

“Mason you’re cool, but I don’t think I want to die with you,” Sammy said. “How would you even plan something like that?”

“Leave that to me. I’m usually good at making plans,” I lied. I’ve never planned anything in my life, but they didn’t need to know that. I could do this, I know I can.

“This is Crazy, but it’s worth a try,” Caroline says. “I don’t want to die here or be sold off like produce. I’m as good as dead anyways. This is the only way.”

“Do we have a deal?” I said sternly. I was serious. If this goes wrong then our lives are at stake. This is no game we’re playing. In five days we will find a way to get the hell out of here, or die trying.

“Deal,” they all said in unison.

Auctioned Mate(unedited)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz