"Nah, thank you." I asked and he frowned.

"Really? Today is time to celebrate, don't you want champagne or something?" He asked.

"Not really." I said and he just chuckled.

"You're acting weird, are you sure everything is okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm tired, can we stop at a pharmacy?" I asked and he frowned.

"A pharmacy?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, a pharmacy." I said and he is confused.

"What you may want at a pharmacy at 11:42pm?" He asked and I just chuckled. This hypothetical baby is stressing me out, I need to know if there is or there isn't a baby.

"Shampoo?" I tried to make an excuse and he laughed.

"Shampoo? You need shampoo at 11:42pm?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, mines is over and I was wearing that wig and now my hair is dirty and I won't be ae to sleep knowing that my hair is dirty!" I said and he laughed.

"You're the weirdest person alive, Rachel Berry." He joked and I laughed.

"But you still love me?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Of course I still love you." Finn said and asked to the limo driver pull over at a pharmacy. "Kurt is going to kill me."

"Why?" I asked chuckling.

"Don't tell him that I told you but he asked me to take you home by 11:30pm cause there's a surprise party waiting for you there but now we're already 10 minutes late and we're going to stop in the pharmacy."

"I promise I'll be quick." I said and he chuckled.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

"No!" I shouted immediately. He can't go in there with me, he can't see me grabbing the pregnancy test.

"Okay then." He said chuckling and I get off the car and entered the pharmacy nervously. I grabbed three pregnancy tests, paid for them and tossed them in my purse and comeback to the car with my hands shaking.

"Where's the shampoo?" Finn asked when he realized my hands were empty. Oh crap, I forgot about that.

"Actually I remembered that I have new shampoos and conditioners in the cabinet." I said and Finn laughed.

"Rachel, are you okay?" He asked still laughing and I laughed as well. I've been kind of really distracted lately and I'm pretty sure I've read it somewhere this is one of the symptoms of pregnancy and I'm so scared. What if I am indeed pregnant? It's a baby! What if there's the result of my love for Finn inside me? I'm so freaking scared of being pregnant and the idea of actually being pregnant makes me happy. I honestly going to be disappointed if I'm not pregnant.

"Rachel!" Finn said clicking his fingers in front of my eyes and I woke up from my trance.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We're here." He said chuckling softly and he opened the door and held our his hand and I grabbed and we get off the car.

"Oh yeah." I said and he laughed.

"You're really sure you're okay? Did someone put something in your drink?" He asked and I laughed.

"I'm fine, just a little distracted." I said.

"I can tell." He said and Iaughed and we get in the elevator. The elevator's door opened and when we get into the apartment, everyone was there and shouted surprise!! and I smiled. I hugged everyone in there.

"Thank you!" I said and everyone smiled.

As the party goes by, everyone was drinking, having a good time and enjoying. I take that as my cue to go to the bathroom and do this pregnancy test.

"Rachel? Where are you going?" I heard Quinn asking as I was going upstairs.

"Upstairs." I said.

"I can see but why?" She asked and I sighed. Okay, I may need someone to hold me if I cry for not being pregnant or to hold me if I cry of happiness for being pregnant.

"Okay, come with me but shut up." I said and she follow me upstairs.

"Why are we here in your bedroom?" She asked and I take the pregnancy tests off my purse and her eyes widened shocked.

"Are you?" She asked in shock.

"That's what we're trying to find out, I think so, but I really don't know. I'm terrified." I said.

"There's only one way to find out the truth." Quinn said and I sighed and get into the bathroom and she stayed outside just to make sure that Finn wouldn't walk in. I did as it told and get out of the bathroom and Quinn puts the timer. "Breathe, just three minutes."

"Three fucking long minutes." I said and she nodded. I keep breathing in and out and suddenly the timer started ringing and I froze. Oh God, oh God, oh God is now.

"Ready?" Quinn asked and I nodded and get into the bathroom and take a deep breathe and grabbed the three tests in my hands. I opened my eyes and look to the tests and my hands started shaking nervously.

"So?" Quinn asked outside and I left the bathroom and show her the tests and she hugged me and I started to cry.


"Oh my God!" I said happily as we cried. "I need to tell, Finn. I mean, now!"

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded and we squealed excited. I leave the bathroom excitedly, I couldn't keep the excitement inside me anymore. I basically run downstairs and everyone looks at me and Quinn confused.

"Are you two crying?" Sam asked looking at us confused.

"What?" Teddy said confused and me and Quinn squealed.

"Okay Rach, there's something really wrong with you." Finn said and I laughed and bit my lips nervously.

"I know, take a look." I take the pregnancy tests from my back and show him and his jaw dropped and jaw dropped.

"Oh my God!" He shouted happily and hugged me lifting me up from the floor.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell?" Santana asked and I just show the pregnancy tests in my hand and everyone gasped and cheered happily.

"I—I'm pregnant!" I said still with my body attached to Finn's and everyone cheered and Finn hug me again really tight as we cry.

"We're going to be parents." He said cupping my face and I can see the tears streaming down his face.

"I d—didn't needed any sh—shampoo, I just had t—to buy the pregnancy tests." I said and he laughed and we kissed passionately.

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