1. Lando and Carlos

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A/n: sorry for being m.i.a its essay time again and i'm super stressed !
this one is for KleinesEinhorn17 I hope its ok, so sorry it took me so long !

Word count:689



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I'll feel much better if you let me walk you home

It had been a very long day at the McLaren centre. Lando was absolutely exhausted. They had grilled him and Carlos on the sim for hours to make sure that they were perfect for next week's race and Lando could still see the track when he closed his eyes and rubbed them because they were sore from having looked at a screen all day.

It had been even more exhausting trying not to stare at Carlos all day. Lando had only known Carlos for a year but he had fallen in love with him, he knew he shouldn't especially not his team mate but he couldn't help himself. And the more time they spent together the worse it became and of course they spent basically every day together.

After this day they didn't have any plans and although they normally hung out together Lando was looking forward to giving his heart a break from the Spaniard and heading home to play fifa.

Lando had grabbed his stuff and was heading towards the exit when Carlos caught up with him. "Hey Landolog" Carlos smiled, and Lando couldn't help but smile back at the sweet nickname Carlos had come up with.

"What's up Carlos?" Lando replied warmly, almost losing himself in his chocolate eyes. They headed out of the automatic doors and into the cold England evening. Lando was glad for the McLaren kit he was given being so warm. He turned to walk to his car before he realised that Carlos had turned towards the path and looked very confused.

"You don't happen to know the way to the high street do you?" Carlos asked, Lando thought he could hear a hint of nervousness in his voice. "I'm walking home and I don't really know the way" Carlos laughed and Lando smiled at the sweet sound.

"I'll walk you home" Lando said, surprising himself with his confiedence. Carlos began to protest but Lando set off towards the high street. "I'll feel much better if you let me walk you home" Lando continued and Carlos jogged to catch up with him. He wanted to spend as much time with Carlos as he could so didn't even think to offer just to drive him even if that meant even longer before Lando himself got home.

The walk wasn't far but the two boys managed to make it take twice as long as it should have just laughing and having fun together after the pressure of the day had worn off. It only made Lando realise how much he truly liked Carlos and how painful it was to just be his team mate.

They made it to Carlos' flat red in the cheeks from the cold and still laughing at a joke told 5 minutes ago. There was a pause before Carlos opened the door. Lando thought he was going to say something, maybe invite him in and was disappointed when he turned and simply said he would see him tomorrow.

"Thanks for walking me back Lando, not sure I'll remember the way tomorrow though" Carlos smiled and put his key in the door.

"That's ok I can just walk back with you tomorrow anyway" Lando replied, shocked at his bravery again. Carlos smiled and before he could reply he had lent over and kissed Lando quickly.

"That's the only time I've ever seen you speechless" Carlos laughed and Lando still couldn't speak he was amazed. Did this mean Carlos liked him back? "See you tomorrow Landolog" Carlos continued before opening the door and going inside, leaving Lando face to face with his front door once he had closed it behind him.

Lando started the long walk back to his car with the biggest grin on his face and not feeling too bad at having to come back to McLaren tomorrow.

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