Rescue - Lando Norris

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A/N: ok the italics are song lyrics to Rescue by Hunter Hayes, the song gave me the inspo for this particular one shot. Let me know what you think about it. It's only my first attempt so I'm not expecting it to be amazing. Let me know if you want me to add anything else

Word count: 1184


*When the sky gets too dark, when the water gets too deep*

The race hadn't gone well at all. 

Lando had crashed out with 5 laps to go and he had begged and begged his McLaren to carry him to the finish line for his best finish this season. It hadn't happened that way and Lando slammed the door of his flat closed before sighing and running his fingers through his hair.

He sat on the sofa and thought about you. You couldn't be there because you had to work and he wanted nothing more than for you to be waiting for him with a hug once he got home. 

*and no I'm not lost, I just lose myself I guess*

It was all getting too much and he put his head in his hands wishing you were there and not understanding why you couldn't have made it out of work in time to be there once he got home. He shook his head, he was being unreasonable, he knew you had work and that if he called you, you would drop everything for him and be there as soon as you possibly could but he couldn't ask you to do that. 

*send a flare up in the eye of the storm, but there are no words for what I'm searching for, what I mean is that I'm needing you more*

He stood up, rage suddenly taking over. It had all added up and he needed an outlet. He swung his fist into the wall closest to him and was satisfied with the crunch it made as the two connected and the pain that flared from his fingers all the way up his arm. 

He stayed there for a moment before realising that it probably wasn't his smartest move and that ice would definitely help even if you couldn't. Once he'd gotten some ice from the freezer he felt better, but the frustration he had been feeling throughout the day was determined to stay solidly firm in his heart. 

He knew he wouldn't be able to calm down without at least seeing you and so he sent you a text, that way he knew you'd reply when you could and he wouldn't be bothering you too much. Call it sending up a flare that he needed you but without too much baggage that he would let on how he was really struggling without you there to soothe his fist and his pride at having lost out today.

*the mess of me will always need the best of you*

to baby: hey sweetheart, how's work going? I just got in, what time a will you be done? x

Simple but effective, he knew not to make it about himself and as the feelings returned he felt tears stinging his eyes that he had to swallow away. 

He knew why today had hit him as hard as it had. He hadn't seen you for a couple of weeks, your schedules clashing too much for there to be much time for each other and it was draining him as well as straining your relationship. He felt like you argued more when you were apart, taking out the annoyance of not being able to see each other, out on each other which just added to the situation. Although he knew this he was always quick to anger and always instantly regretted it. He wanted to do well today to dedicate it to you, to show you that he was always thinking of you despite the arguments.

Within what felt like 2 seconds you had replied to him and Lando's face lit up with a slight smile, sad you couldn't be there but happy you had replied when he needed you.

from baby: hi baby, i saw your race, i'm so sorry, i'm almost finished, i love you x

Those three words made him feel at peace for the first time the whole day. He was so glad you had replied and you didn't even know the effect you had had on his mood because he couldn't see you. He sent a quick reply of an 'i love you too x' and made his way upstairs to his empty bedroom, his good mood already diminishing.

*just one look at you sometimes, you don't even know you're coming to the rescue*

Lando settled himself under the covers, trying to replicate how it felt with you there by making himself as warm as possible. It was as if thinking about you had made the stars align because his phone lit up with your caller id. He answered it immediately. 

"hi baby"

Lando smiled. Just one look at you, worn down and flustered by the wind on your walk home, made everything feel right again. The frustration he had felt throughout the day was slowly ebbing away.

"hi, how was work?" he asked, his eyes already drooping as you had made him feel much safer and the emotional roller-coaster he had been on had worn him out.

"Lando" you laughed "does it really matter? how are you feeling?" you asked, concern written all over your face and he could tell that you felt guilty for not being there in bed right now and only being able to face-time him.

"i'm ok now, wasn't great earlier" he chuckled thinking about how you'd react to his bruised knuckles but thought it was best to let you see them in person than worry you now.

"i'm sorry I couldn't be there baby" you sighed and his heart fluttered with how much you cared about him.

"don't worry about it" he smiled, more this time, the dim lights of his room making him more and more tired but he was desperate to keep talking to you.

"there will be other races Lando it'll be ok" you could tell he was tired and he didn't mind, you were right and he knew it. He wasn't even thinking about the race anymore just about how much he missed you.

"go to sleep baby, i'll be right here" you spoke again as he had only hummed a simple reply to your previous words. This became a routine when you were away. You'd face-time until one of you fell asleep, both staying on the call so you could still sleep next to each other. It was the closest thing you could get to actually laying next to each other.

"hmm ok baby, i love you, see you soon" Lando settled into the pillows more and slowly let his eyes close. His phone propped up against what is usually your pillow when you stay round so he could have you as close to him as he possibly could. 

"i love you too" you whispered and watched as he fell asleep. 

As he drifted off he was always amazed at the influence you had over his mood. Lando would be lost without your calming presence, which seemed to be there just as he needed it. He didn't know what he would do without you. Lando promised that soon enough it wouldn't have to be face-time it could be face to face and with that he fell asleep, dreaming of when he'd see you again.

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