slower - Pierre Gasly

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A/n: hi everyone, don't forget you can request things they are currently open, I will try and get them done asap but can't promsie anything!

Word count: 522


Pierre had decided to end things with you

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Pierre had decided to end things with you. You didn't really understand why, the only excuse he had given you was some bullshit about focusing on racing. You knew that just meant he had probably found someone else.

He had surprised you though. He had turned up one night, in the pouring rain like he was trying to reenact the notebook or something and you had rolled your eyes at the sight of him standing on the doorstep.

He had asked if you would consider taking it slower, he explained that he had been falling fast and it was scaring him but he didn't want to lose you and his best idea was to break up with you so he didn't. It made no sense to you either.

You had taken the opportunity to say that yes you could take it slower, wait until you're both older and he seems ready for a relationship. But you couldn't promise who you would be when he decided you were worth his time again. You told him that you might be somebody else and he might not even know you anymore. You remembered the hurt in his eyes, the tears making them sparkle in a way that they used to when he was looking at you in happiness.

Pierre had known what he was doing when he decided to call it off with you but he didn't realise the impact you had already had on his heart. You had finished your conversation, not daring to let him in because you knew it would hurt more, wishing he still liked future you as much as he had liked you then. He had promised he would.


But there you were. Five years later, across the paddock from him laughing at something Max had told you. You had remained friends with the other drivers but distanced yourself from racing whilst getting over Pierre. They had stayed your friends despite the emotional and physical distance you had put between them all. You were so grateful for them and it meant you could stay involved in the sport you loved. His breath caught in his throat at how beautiful you still were, 5 years had done nothing but enhanced your looks and his heart still did flips when he saw you.

If he had been honest with himself, Pierre had not seen or even thought of anyone else when he had ended things with you and he knew through Max that you were the same. It made his heart soar and his mind race that maybe you would still like him after all this time. He wasn't going to let you get away this time.

You smiled warmly as you looked up and made eye contact with Pierre across the paddock. The familiar butterflies appeared as they had every time you saw him, your mind going back to the last conversation you had with him. You didn't think you had changed that much in the last 5 years so maybe Pierre would have kept his promise and the loving smile he returned to you made you think you were right.

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