hate me too - Mick Schumacher

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a/n: hello i am back from exams so hopefully i can get some one shots written :)

word count: 669



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You always ended up at Mick's house. It didn't matter where you had been, if you had been drinking or not you would always be face to face with his familiar green door. You hated it, every day you promised you wouldn't end up back here but Mick enticed you. You couldn't get enough of him and it made you so angry. He was not looking for anything permanent or interesting, he just wanted it to be quick and efficient, it made you laugh, it was so German you couldn't believe it would translate to all areas of his life.

His excuse was that his F1 career was just starting and he couldn't commit to anything whilst he was committing to that as if you hadn't promised to commit to him completely already regardless of his intentions towards you. You couldn't help that you had fallen for him. His sweetness in the morning almost always made up for the coldness he showed you the night before. Being brought breakfast in bed and kissed awake made it seem like a lot more than just the friends with benefits situation he was trying to pretend it was.

His kisses were gentle and so full of love, even in the heat of the moment it made your heart ache for him and so angry at the same time that he wasn't being honest with himself, or you. His harsh goodbyes in the morning, essentially kicking you out a stark contrast to the sweet ways he woke you up. You were getting emotional whiplash from it all. But you came back, every time. And he knew you would, you both did.

But not tonight, you had snuck away from your friends again. They no longer cared, they knew where you were going. But the walk to Mick's, illuminated only by the streetlights, that he had kissed you under so many times before, had made you angry. Every step towards his made the anger boil more and more. There would be no sex, or kisses or anything until you had said what you wanted to say.

You knocked on the door loudly, and the breath caught in your throat when he opened the door. Your previous anger faltered slightly when he invited you in. You walked through his hall slowly but once you had made it to the living room your anger had returned and you turned to face him, positive your face gave away your mood.

"what are we doing mick?" you questioned and the shock in his face was coupled with a flash of hurt that you knew he thought you had missed.

"What do you mean?" he countered and you scoffed. He knew exactly what you meant and he was stalling.

"you know what i mean" you gestured between the two of you "i'm tired" you continued being unable to read the expression on his face.

"of us holding hands and you telling me everything will be alright" you sighed and he stepped towards you but you stepped back, more hurt showing on his face.

"of our shared kisses and quiet moments, just for you to set me up for the inevitable breakdown when you kick me out yet again" you were dangerously close to tears and you hated that your voice was giving you away.

"I like you Mick" you said, finally catching his eye and the look that met you told you everything you needed to know, he didn't feel the same.

You shook your head, not giving him a chance to reply. "this is over then, whatever this is" you said as you made your way to the door.

His hand caught yours as you walked past him and he pressed his lips gently to yours. It was unlike any other kiss you had shared and it said everything he hadn't said already.

"I like you too" Mick said as he tilted your chin up so that you were looking at him and you smiled back, finally happy.

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