
"Where's Daddy?" A small child that looked exactly like Lannan asked running into the kitchen.

"I don't know." Y/n just replied. An older child walked in,

"Probably working. As he always is, Mum you have to stop him! I hate not seeing him anymore. He even forgot my 13th birthday." She started to tear up. The boy went around and hugged his big sister.

"It's ok Kate. I'm sure he'll come out soon."


Y/n woke again. She's never had a nightmare with Lannan in the room. She teared up. He still wasn't in the bed. It's 5, the sun was peaking its glow from under the sea. She decided to go see Tannar and go on a early walk with her. Y/n put on a jumper and took her phone. She heard Tannar downstairs.

"Hey Y/n! What are you doing?"

"Coming for a walk, if it's all good."

"Oh yeah, of course! Willeh and I would love some more company." Y/n smiled as they walked out the door. They walked towards the beach.

"I wish," Y/n sighed. "Pax would come faster." Tannar looked at her suspiciously.

"You hate big crowds." She laughed.

"That's the downside but he's working himself too hard. He's still in the office."


"Yep, I woke up at 2 and waited on the couch for an hour and a half but I gave up."

"He's going down the work hole again."

"I know, I hope Pax will fix it. Seeing that the stupidest of videos bring more joy than damn fortnite."

"You hate that game don't you." Tannar giggled.

"With a passion." They kept walking and saw the sunrise over the waves. It got to about 8, so they tracked back home. Lannan wasn't in his office. Most likely in bed. They sat on the couch until they heard a thump upstairs.

"I swear to god. If he's awake, I will slap him." Y/n said angrily. She walked to their room and sure enough, he was awake and packing. "Babe we leave tomorrow, you can pack later."

"No, I just have to."

"Go to sleep. Come on." She put the suitcase on the floor and dragged him into the bed. She hummed the lyrics to 'Take my breath away' until he fell asleep. Y/n fell under the same spell not long after. The pair of them slept until midday. They had a meeting at 3 with the rest of click. Y/n got up and looked back at him. Adjusting his eyes to the light. She just left the room.

"My love, wait up."

"What?" She spun around on her heel.

"I'm sorry."

"For what exactly, not coming to bed last night, for forgetting our date night?"

"I told you I was sorry about that."

"And that's all it ever is! Lannan, look."


"I'm just going over to see Lufu. I'll meet you at there warehouse." She continued walking downstairs and to her car. She drove to the new click house and knocked on the door.

"Y/n, what a surprise?" Cray said.

"Is Lufu here?"

"Yeah she's in her room. Where's the rest of you?"

Trapped. (Lazarbeam x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ