Part 22

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Summary: A multi-chapter GoT x Reader series.

Both (YN) and Jon are set to sail north of 'The Wall' as the pair of them try to find their feet learning to deal with their growing emotions for each other.

Series Warning: The series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it's not always going to be smooth sailing for the reader.

Pairings: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader

Chapter Warnings: Nothing but feels and Tormunds potty mouth.

Word Count: 4353

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

The muted light from the main hall spilled warmly into the hallway and as (YN) made her way towards the large open doors, the drifting smell of supper brought a rumble to her stomach

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The muted light from the main hall spilled warmly into the hallway and as (YN) made her way towards the large open doors, the drifting smell of supper brought a rumble to her stomach. All this self-imposed sword training had her constantly hungry and she was looking forward to a decent feed before they headed off to Hardhome in the morning. Well, 'decent feed' may have been a bit of a stretch, but she didn't know how long it would be before she could sit down to another hot meal and so she didn't plan on leaving herself hungry tonight. Also rolling up the hallway to greet her, was Tormund's bellowing laugh, the very sound of it bringing a smile to her lips. From the moment Jon introduced them just a day or so after she arrived, she instantly warmed to him. He was large and intimidating, loud and really quite vulgar, with absolutely no knowledge of how to behave south of the wall, but he was harmless. Whatever was running through his head was spilling from his mouth, his thoughts and intentions were never far from the surface and it was such a refreshing change. Although she could only imagine how intimidating it would be to be on his wrong side, he was a wild-looking man and she was sure his temper held a wild streak that probably left a number of his enemies meeting a somewhat messy and untimely ending. Though, her newfound friend did make her wonder what she was heading into at Hardhome. If Tormund's spirited ways were any indication of what they could expect from other free folks, then who knows how they were going to be received. On the other hand, the rest of the free folk who had been held prisoner along with Tormund, all seemed to hold him in high regard and she could only hope that Tormund's promise of Jon's honour was enough to keep them from getting killed.

Just a few steps out from the doorway came the familiar and comforting voice of Jon. Another step forward brought him into view as he sat beside the redheaded wildling, his eyes crinkled and still holding a smile at Tormund's antics. Unknowingly, (YN) stopped a moment and took an extra breath, running her fingers through her hair and smoothing down the front of her dress. Why she had put it on, she really didn't know and when she finally realised she was standing idle in the middle of the hallway she felt her cheeks heat up. Unsure as to why her stomach suddenly spun at the sight of him smiling, as he ran his fingers through his tangle of dark curls in a feeble attempt to tame them. Taking a deep breath, her thumb and finger clutched onto the direwolf pendant around her neck, her spinning stomach replaced by a dull ache in her lungs as a vision of Robb's loving face appeared in her head. With another deep breath, she pushed her hand against her chest as if it would push the dullness away, but it didn't. So instead, she deflected her attention to little baby Sam sitting opposite Jon on Gilly's knee, his sweet little face a mess with food and gravy, gurgling happily away as his mother spoke to him.

A Northern Light - A Game of Thrones Fanfiction (x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora