Part 17

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Summary: A multi-chapter GoT x Reader series.(YN) found herself taking longer than she expected to recover, needing to put her trip to Castle Black on hold. Yet, she felt forever grateful that she somehow managed to stumble her way upon the doorstep of Inan and Meya the night she fled from 'The Twins,' but now it was time to say goodbye.

Series Warning: the series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it's not always going to be smooth sailing for the reader

Pairings so far: Robb Stark x Reader

Word Count: 4179

Chapter Warnings: Angst, grief, pain.

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(YN) stirred from her peaceful sleep, rolling over she reached across to place a gentle hand to Robb's chest, finding the bed sheets cold and empty

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(YN) stirred from her peaceful sleep, rolling over she reached across to place a gentle hand to Robb's chest, finding the bed sheets cold and empty. The mere action forcing her half conscious mind to wake with despairing realisation... her nightmares were not nightmares at all, they were very real... real nightmares of the worst kind, leaving her chest choking with devouring grief. Simultaneously, panic took over as her body jolted upright in bed, her eyes trying to focus as they flitted around the dimly lit room for any sign or clue as to were she might be. Finding nothing familiar in her humble surrounds her eyes travelled out the doorway were they fell upon some movement by the fire, yet before long her vision blurred as her head began to spin and soon she felt gentle hands and a soothing voice guiding her head back to the pillow, "Shhh, lay down... it's okay, you're safe here."

When her head reached the pillow she felt her dizziness fade, allowing her eyes to focus on the figure before her. Leaning across the bed a woman settled her palm over her forehead, noticing a fleeting look of relief wash over her features as she pulled her palm away, turning around she spoke, her voice easily travelling the short distance into the adjoining room. "Inan.... Inan, wake up." When the woman heard a shifting movement and deep mumble, she continued, "Bring me a bowl of that broth from the stove top, would you?" Turning back the woman gave her a warm smile, her eyes gentle and kind, "You must be starving, but I'm afraid I can't offer more than broth. You haven't eaten in days and anything more would make you sick." At the mention of the broth, (YN) suddenly became aware of the burning dryness of her throat, her mouth and lips parched and stale. Opening her mouth, she began to speak, wanting to ask so many questions, but her voice could barely whisper a noise. The woman noticing her efforts gave her forearm a quick rub and gentle tap, "Hush... there's no need to speak, there'll be plenty of time for that."

Giving the woman a hesitant smile, (YN) looked to the doorway as a white and grey haired man walked through carrying a tray. At first, she felt her empty stomach flip at the sight of the large stranger, but one look into his friendly eyes, immediately put her at ease. Seeing her moment of unease, the woman gave her a genuine smile, "You have nothing to fear from us, dear." Taking her upper arm, she spoke again as she helped (YN) to sit up, "Let's try again... more slowly this time and maybe your eyes won't roll around in your head." As she guided her up, she continued speaking, her voice kind and lively, "This big lug of a man is my husband, Inan and I'm Meya."

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