Part 20

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Summary: A multi-chapter GoT x Reader series.

Much to Jon's relief and joy, (YN) arrives safely at Castle Black. Her arrival bringing shallow buried thoughts and emotions rapidly to the surface. Yet no sooner does she arrive, does he need to head off on a mission beyond The Wall.

Series Warning: The series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it's not always going to be smooth sailing for the reader.

Pairings so far: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader??

Word Count: 4578

A/N: OMGoodness I struggled so much writing this chapter, I hope it has turned out okay.

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

Please feel free to drop me a message or comment, your feedback would be very much appreciated

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The last several months at Castle Black had been, to say the least... eventful. Jon had arrived and returned from Craster's Keep, hoping to find that (YN) had arrived safe and well, but there had still not been a single word or sign of her. Still, Jon refused to acknowledge that she might be gone, wouldn't even allow himself to think it, his head and heart could not cope with the thought. Even more so, now that Ygritte was dead.

After returning from Craster's Keep Jon warned the wildling army followed closely behind and would soon attack. And sure enough, he was right. Castle Black suffering many loses, his friends Pyp and Grenn amongst the count, yet none he felt more than that of his wildling lover, Ygritte, her heart pierced with an arrow before his very eyes. The death of his father and brother had affected him deeply... and permanently, but to have someone you love die in your arms, watch their final breath as the light fades from their eyes, well... that was an image that would remain with him forever.

Yet, come the following morning, Jon took it upon himself to meet with Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall. Hoping to persuade him that Castle Black was capable of withstanding many more battles. However, Mance called his bluff and if it wasn't for the unexpected yet timely arrival of King Stannis and his army, there was no doubt Castle Black would have fallen to the wildlings that very night.

In the end, Stannis took him as prisoner when he refused to bend the knee, sentencing him to be burnt alive at the stake. But Jon couldn't stand by and watch as Mance, a man so honourable and proud, stood helplessly tied as the flames licked painfully at his feet. Couldn't allow him to die such an undignified death, or let his wildling followers see their leader scream and wither in pain. So Jon shot him through the heart, bringing him peace and silence before his screams could take hold, the act of mercy not going unnoticed by the captured wildlings who lay witness.

Stepping from Tormund's cell, Jon closed the heavy door behind him but didn't lock it. After a long and at times rather contentious conversation with the large and somewhat spirited redheaded wildling, they had finally made a truce. As the newly elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he knew this new-found alliance would meet with very split opinions amongst his men. But Jon had thought long and hard about his decision to bring all the Wildlings south beyond the wall, yet, when he sat down and actually went through the options, it was barely a decision at all. For 8000 years the Night's Watch and the free folk had been fighting and killing each other, but to let them all die at the hands of the white walkers was both cruel and idiotic. For one, Sir Davos had made a very good point when he got Olly to recite the end of the Night's Watch Oath. 'I am the shield that guards the realms of men...' The realms of men, not just the people of the crown. Besides, it would be inhumane to knowingly let anybody die in such a way. And two, it made absolutely no sense to sentence them to an almost certain death only to add them to the growing army of the dead, because eventually, that cold, senseless, life-consuming army would come for everyone.

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