Part 14

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Robb and (YN) arrive at Riverrun for Catelyn's father's funeral and Robb learns of the hostages his uncle has taken whilst battling 'The Mountain.' The result from the capture causing turmoil amongst his men and more headaches for Robb.

Series Warning: the series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it will not all be happy endings for Robb and the reader. The reader may or may not be paired with another character, further down the line.

Word Count: 4301

Chapter Warnings: Basic description of dead bodies. Anger, slight violence and a little bit of angst.

Hope you enjoy and please, feel free to drop me a message/comment, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

The trip to Riverrun from Harrenhaul had been quite uneventful, yet the persistent news that kept filtering its way out of The Twins only added to Robb's growing concerns

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The trip to Riverrun from Harrenhaul had been quite uneventful, yet the persistent news that kept filtering its way out of The Twins only added to Robb's growing concerns. Apparently, Lord Frey was growing restless with the terms they had agreed upon that allowed them to cross the bridge before the 'Battle of Whispering Woods.' With the knowledge of Rickon either missing or dead and no news of Ayra at all, Lord Frey was beginning to feel like he was being short-changed. And upon arriving at Riverrun, the concerns only continued to grow, learning that Robb's uncle, Edmure had completely messed up any strategic plans they had to draw 'the Mountain' and the Lannister Garrison further out West. Instead of waiting for 'the Mountain' to come to them across the river, Edmure instructed his soldiers to cross and attack. It was an easy defeat, but it forced the Lannister army to retreat and head back towards Casterly Rock, leaving them within an easy march of King's Landing, which is exactly what Robb didn't want. If Edmure had of been patient and just waited for Robbs arrival, it would have drawn 'the Mountain' across the river, where they could have surrounded him and obliterated the army. Now all they had for their troubles was a worthless mill and two great-grandchildren of Tywin's Uncle, which he probably couldn't care less about. And to top it all off, the capture of the two young Lannister boys only caused discord amongst Robb's army. As soon as the Karstark men heard of their capture, they wanted the boy's heads in retribution for the untimely death of their kin at the hands of Jaime Lannister. Robb would hear nothing of it though, to which (YN) wholeheartedly agreed. It just made no sense, for one they were completely innocent boys who were simply squiring for the Lannisters and they were of no worth to Tywin anyway. If vengeance is what the Karstark's truly sought, Robb knew it wouldn't be found in the beheading of two young innocent boys. Yet, any real chance of vengeance against the Lannisters for either his family or the Karstark's was fading fast and so Robb needed to think of a new plan quickly and pray to the gods that no more unforeseen events would take place to mess things up.

Putting their current concerns aside for the time being, saw Robb and (YN) standing quietly bedside Catelyn and her Uncle Brynden on a wooden landing at the edge of one of Riverrun's many beautiful rivers. Watching as Hoster Tully received his final send-off down the river. It really was such a pretty part of the world and (YN) wished she were visiting Catelyn's childhood home under better circumstances. Standing by Robb's side, she watched on as Catelyn's brother, Edmure attempted to set his father's boat alight with a flaming arrow. As soon as he pulled back on the bow she knew he was going to miss, watching silently as the arrow's flames disappeared into the water at least ten feet in front of the boat. Noticing how Robb shifted on his feet and looked to his mother who stood beside him, her features distressed, yet contained, she could tell her mother by law was struggling to keep herself together, yet still she held her head high.

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