Chapter 13 - A Bolt from the Blue

Start from the beginning

Celestial smirked. "Just a friendly reminder of the power you could've had."

"More like another reason to kick you out again," Reflection spat back, clearly angry. "Or have you forgotten what happened last time you broke in here?"

Celestial flinched, almost unconsciously brushing his side with a hand. He regained his composure just as quickly though, chuckling. "You're gonna make that threat while you're without your leader and without your best fighter? Bold move, Reflection."

J suddenly groaned on the floor, and for the first time, Seongmin noticed that he was bleeding badly. Rabbit noticed too, his eyes widening, and rushed over to him. Reflection refused to take his eyes off of Celestial, but Seongmin noticed him tense at J's sound of pain.

Celestial's smirk grew, and he jumped down from the desk to lean against it, lounging in a relaxed position. His open vest slipped to the side, revealing a jagged scar that looked like a lightning bolt, maroon in color and contrasting sharply with his tan skin. Seongmin shrunk back further at the sight, wondering if that was the aftermath of the last time Reflection had mentioned.

"Oh, Reflection, Reflection." Celestial stretched himself out like a cat, eyes glinting and fixed on the hero in front of him. "You know you can't do anything to me. I know you want to. I can see it in your eyes. But you don't have enough power to take me on. All you can do-" he snapped his fingers, "-is vanish and reappear."

Reflection looked livid, seemingly barely holding himself back from lunging at Celestial. Rabbit looked up at him, a look of warning on his face, but not moving away from J's side. Seongmin looked over at J again in worry, noticing how he was seemingly barely able to move, and that's when she leaned a bit too far above the base of the display case.

Seongmin had barely noticed the fact that she was leaning higher over the base to see J, nor did she make note of the fact that Celestial had taken his eyes off Reflection and was now pinning her under his catlike gaze. Not until he spoke again did she realize her mistake.

"Well, boys, you didn't tell me you had a pretty little angel hiding in the back," he said, stretching himself up to see her better in mild interest. Seongmin froze, her blood running cold.

J suddenly groaned more loudly as he attempted to sit up. "D- Don't touch her..." he said weakly, before collapsing again. Rabbit went back to tending to him, and Seongmin clearly saw for the first time what was wrong.

Where Rabbit has merely gotten his arm nicked with a glass shard, J was curled up around a much larger shard that had sunk straight into his abdomen. The wound was bleeding profusely, but Rabbit didn't dare pull it out for fear of making it worse.

Seongmin was unsure what to do. Everything was happening so fast, and there was really no point in hiding anymore, after Celestial had spotted her. He was still watching her intently, though he chuckled at J's weak protest.

"What are you gonna do to me if I do, J? Bleed on me? Lucky for you your little angel isn't the reason I'm here. Though I must say I would hate for such a pretty face to end up as... collateral damage, shall we say?"

J whimpered again, a tear rolling down his cheek from the pain and helplessness he was clearly enduring, and Seongmin suddenly couldn't stop herself from moving over to him. She walked quickly to his side, doing her best to ignore Celestial's dark eyes pinned on her, and dropped to her knees beside J to wipe away his tears. J looked up at her through a haze of pain, begging her silently to go back to hiding. Seongmin gently shook her head. You're more important now, she tried to say with her eyes, as Rabbit stood up to face off against Celestial with Reflection.

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