Sakura sighed in relief upon seeing their sensei safe and here to help them, she put away her kunai and looked at Tazuna who had a frightened look on his face but it quickly changed to relief as he also spotted Kakashi. He casted a look at Sakura who smiled at him in return.

Sasuke on the other hand also looked at Akira amazed but also with confusion. He wanted to know what happened to her before all of this, he assumed Akira would be the first to attack.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner to help" Kakashi said eyeing Naruto and Akira "I didn't take notice of their senbon niddles and for that the both of you got hurt" Akira then felt the blood from her cheek, she didn't even notice she was cut "All I can say is good job Akira in handling the ninja by yourself you too Sasuke for slowing him down" He gestured to the ninja in his arms " Sakura you did great at protecting Tazuna-san. Naruto you also tried in protecting Akira, I didn't think you freeze up like that" He looked at Naruto then at Akira, who also was faced with the samw faith before Naruto.

"Your not afraid are you, scaredy cat?" Sasuke taunted Naruto with a smirk, Akira turned to him with her arms crossed over her chest, he smirk faltered when he looked at the younger girl but regained it wheb he turned to look at Naruto.

"Uh, I think we have to take care if that poison Oni-san " Akira said walking to Naruto, who by the way lost all colour from his face when he heard word 'poison' but he took out a kunai and stabbed gis wound when he heard Kakashi talk about him being hurt and being a burden, he didn't take this mission to be a burden or a scaredy cat, he took this mission to prove to everyone that he was capable if being a shinobi and sone day being the leader of the village, the Hokage.

"I pledge with this wound, bridge builder, I will protect you with everything I've got and with this kunai" He said with determination and fire "The mission will continue, we are not going back to the village" Akira looked at her older brother with adoration and pride.

"That speach was great and all Naruto but if we don't stop any more blood then you will definitely bleed to death" Kakashi said "You did get rid of the poison though" he said with a laugh.

Naruto heard he was bkeeding out and he freaked out "Nope, I can't die like this" he said.

"Baka" Akira muttered with a huge smile. She walked to Naruto already arriving and noticing his wound already healing, for safety measures and prevention of Naruto freakingbout more she wrapped his shoulder with the bandage that she had.

"Mhm Akira, what about your wound?" Naruto pointed the cut on Akira's cheek.

"Baka, you warn Naruto with his wound but you forgot about yours" Sakura said with a huff and annoyance "We still have to go back to the village for her then" She sighed.

"Yes we do" Kakashi said agreeing with the pink haired konoichi sp?

"Uh it's no problem" Akira said looking at the faces that also looked at her, the attention she was getting was not needed "Really guys I'm okay" She wiped the blood with her sleeve.

"I believe you Akira-chan! Akira-chan is strong she will just take the poison out believe it!" Naruto said placing his hand on the younger girls shoulders " She one- ouch!" Akira looked up at Naruto with a glare.

The four set of eyes looked at the two siblings with amazement, Kakashi also wanted to know what Naruto was talking about and why Akira had stopped him from saying.

"Come on let's just continue with the mission" She whined. Kakashi laughed seeing a side that he only witnessed on the other woman.

"How did you know?" One of the binded ninja asked.

"Even though I didn't really see or notice the puddle, I still sensed your chakra" Akira said looking at the mist ninja's. Kakashi looked at he bewildered.

After that brief answer from the young girl, Kakashi turned to the person that was really targeted with a serious look "A word please, Tazuna-san?" Tazuna gulped following the older ninja, the nerves getting to him.

While the two adults talked Akira turned to Naruto. She smirked at her brother "So what did you want to say Oni-san?" She questioned.

Naruto took a step back when Akira approached him little by little. He laughed nervously while rubbingbthe back of his head "G-gomen Akira-chan, I forgot okay" he tripped over his own feet.

Akira's smirked turned to a smile, she crouched down to Naruto's level and ruffled his hair "Stand up Naruto-kun " Naruto still looked at Akira with fear.

After that eventful encounter with the demon brothers Team7 continued with their mission even after they found out it turned out to be A-ranked mission but that only happened with Naruto's persistence.

They were niw at a boat which was by the way turned of. The fog clouded the path but they could still make out there and there. Akira looked around sensing different chakras a little away from them she looked at Kakashi for confirmation but she didn't get anything.

Kakashi also payed attention to his surroundings but he didn't show any emotion. He felt eyes on him but he didn't take his attention from his surroundings, he beeded to be extra carefull anyone could attack them from anywhere.

"We would be at the bridge soon" The rower said "Then all of you would be at the land of waves"

"Wow-" Akira quickly jumped and covered Naruto's mouth, she glared at him and the rower looked at her, grateful.

"We have ro stay quiet if we don't want any trouble " He said after casting a grateful look at Akira.

"Over there!" Naruto shouted throwing kunai's blindly, he ran to where he threw the kunai which had landed on a tree.

Akira followed closely behind her brother and she saw him with tears in hus eyes, she pushed some leaves from her view and saw what Naruto was crying over and apologising to. She looked at the white rabbit and looked around.

Kakashi also had joined the two genin and he akso saw the rabbit and immediately sensed danger. From the corner of his eye he saw Akira holdind sliths of her katanas.

Akira felt like something was going to happen and it becsme worse when she sensed unkwown chakrad. She placed her her hands on her swords wanting to be ready when a fight takes place.

"Get down!!" Both Kakashi and Akira shouted, Akira tackled Naruto as he was slow.

She looked up andsaw a huge blade passing where they stood, she mentally sighed and thanked her stars that no one was cut by that blade. She stood again bringing Naruto with her. She glared at the Ninja that stood at a tree with a smug look.

"If it isn't Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidded Mist" Kakashi said taking a step, wanting to stand in front of the kids and be prepared when a fight started.

"Ahhh, If it isn't Kakshi of the Sharingan " Zabuza also said with a smirk. And it grew when he looked at his opponent, well he was disappointed the team was full of genins but he reallylooked forward to fight with the copycat ninja.

AKIRA SASAKI [NARUTO]Where stories live. Discover now