What exactly is SUNESIS?

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When I was writing the drafts of this book, I knew that I could not start things off without defining its title

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When I was writing the drafts of this book, I knew that I could not start things off without defining its title.

The word 'sunesis' is one of three Hebrew words that stand for the english word 'wisdom'. There are three words that are translated wisdom: 'Sophiya', 'Sunesis' and 'Phronesis'.

I'm going to use the words 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' interchangeably in onwards.

Before I define the term, sunesis, I'd like to briefly let you in on the other two kinds of wisdom

#1.Sophiya- This can be defined as Theoretical knowledge. It's the simplest definition I can lay down for you. This is the kind of knowledge we learn or acquire in school.

#2.Phronesis- This is the most important kind of all the others. It can be put as Practical wisdom. This is he kind of wisdom that makes you do. It moves you to action. Its a kind that propels you.

Definition of the word Sunesis.
Sunesis refers to Mental or Analytical wisdom/knowledge. This is the main kind of wisdom I'm tackling in this volume. When you have this kind of wisdom,you know what to do. You don't have to first seek for help before you act.(that is, in your particular field) You know what to do.

Laid out example on all three kinds
At school you are taught how about the environment. As a result you learn that we there is something called environment and how to look after it.. Now, that is Sophiya. You know about it.

When you leave school after the day's classes, You know your surrounding. On your way you find a piece of paper on the sidewalk. On seeing, You know it's supposed to be put in the trash can. Now, that's sunesis. You know what to do basing on what you learnt from school. You pick it up and drop it where it belongs. That action is Phronesis.

But, another person, let's say your class mate, finds a piece of paper in the same spot you found the other. Instead of dropping it in the trash can, He or she says to himself, "I didn't do this. Who could have been this careless!" Then he or she walks away and leaves it there. Now when someone acts that way. They are not acting in wisdom. They know what to do but they don't do it.

In this volume, I'll be showing you the wisdom behind success: why some people actually get it and why some don't get it despite the amount of effort they put in.

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