Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Over the next four months, Rogue and Remy pulled three jobs. He explained that before he had her, he was limited to one man jobs, or the occasional job where he could trust a friend to act as distractions but the jobs that required two thieves were out, because he couldn't ask his guild friends for help any more.

Now that he had Rogue, he let it be known that he could take on bigger jobs.

She was eager for a military job as that seemed to be the only type that she hadn't pulled yet, but in the mean time she was satisfied with what came their way.

The first contract was for a top secret computer chip prototype. Security was all over this thing like shit on a blanket and the only time that the chip would be slightly less well protected, was in transit. Once he had decided that, Remy allowed Rogue to do all the planning, watching her carefully for any mistakes but she seemed pretty good. She did pause a few times and seem to be off day dreaming but Remy guessed that she was talking to the version of him in her head, which she confirmed when he asked. It was weird, but it was also what he wanted, for Rogue to know what he did. It didn't really matter if it was him or Mini-Him who offered suggestions or told her what she was doing wrong, just as long as someone did.

They decided to hijack the truck in a tunnel, causing an explosion at the entrance (that should stop the security behind from following) and filling the tunnel with sleeping gas that would soon knock the front security escort out. Thankfully the tunnel was on a incline and the convoy had to keep the speed down for fear of damaging the chip, so no one should be seriously hurt by losing conciousness at the wheel. Besides, all the vehicles were top notch with roll bars, air bags and crumple zones, so they were confident that there would be no fatalities.

Clad in gas masks, they shut down the tunnel's ventilation system and waited in a service tunnel while the canisters of gas (which had been expensive to acquire illegally in such quantities) seeped into the tunnel. The gas proved it's worth though, and knocked everyone out within seconds.

After that it was like taking candy from a sleeping baby.

Getting away was their next difficulty, as they knew that the rear security escort would be digging through the rubble, and the other end of the tunnel would be blocked by the emergency services with in minutes. All it really required though, was a little parallel thinking. They had come dressed as EMTs, then stashed their gas masks in their medical kit. They easily blended in with the crowd and took a passed out security guard with a broken wrist to hospital in one of the ambulances, which Remy easily hot wired.

They couldn't travel far in the vehicle as it would be lo-jacked, so they drove straight to the hospital, handed the patient over to the ER staff, went to the restroom and disappeared into the city; their paramedic jumpsuits and gas masks stuffed into the backpacks that they had stored in a janitors closet.

They celebrated the success with a week in the Caribbean.


Their next client wanted them to break into a heavily guarded celebrities home, her ex-husband to be exact, and steal back her dog, which he was holding to ransom until she agreed to his divorce terms.

On the face of it, it sounded easy, until you realised that said celebrity was more than a little paranoid and was spending an awful lot of money on guards, cameras and electronic security. Nothing Remy couldn't handle, of course.

Thanks to Rogue however, it quickly became child's play once again. She explained that she had once been made to absorb a shapeshifter and that while she couldn't hold that shape indefinitely, she could assume anyone's form for up to four hours.

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