Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Rogue and Remy sat outside a café on the banks of the Seine in Paris, sipping wine and chatting. Although alcohol didn't affect Rogue, nor Remy very much, she felt more relaxed than she could ever remember feeling. She had money now, two million to be specific, sitting in a numbered account on the Cayman Islands. That meant she had means, which meant she had freedom, and maybe a little power.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason for her relaxed state. This last month spent planning the theft had been good for both of them. They had fought often but thankfully it had served to bring them closer together. They didn't know much more about each other's pasts than they did before, but they knew a lot more about each others character.

"Oh, but M'sieu, I simply cannot agree. Bunnies are the cutest animals in the whole world." Gambit said in a high voice, eliciting a laugh from Rogue.

"Madam, you are quite insane!" Remy continued in a low voice. " Those twitchy noses make any sane person shudder."

Rogue giggled. This little game was something Gambit liked to play when they saw couples talking, imagining the insane conversations that they might be having. It always made Rogue laugh, but sadly she didn't have the talent for it that Gambit did.

"Stop it," Rogue cried, wiping tears from her eyes before they could cause her make-up to run. They were laughing so hard that they were beginning to get odd looks from passers by.

Remy grinned at her, unrepentant.

"What do you say we get the bill and walk off lunch?" Remy suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

"And maybe visit the Louvre? I have a few stories I can tell you about breaking into that place."

Rogues jaw dropped. "You broke into the Louvre?"

"Three times. The last time I did it alone, that was how I qualified as a Master Thief."

"Fine," Rogue smiled, even as she shook her head at his sheer gall.


Rogue was feeling a little uncomfortable about this evenings excursion. They had been out most evenings, but tonight they were dining on a river boat as it cruised up and down the Seine. Remy had bought her a new dress for the occasion and was himself dressed in an expense suit.

It felt like a date.

Remy kept assuring her that it wasn't but that everyone had to experience a dinner cruise on the Seine, so reluctantly she had agreed. Besides, ever since the 'almost kiss' Remy had been the perfect gentleman, so she decided that she would trust him, for now.

The glass topped boat looked beautiful as she boarded, lit with candles and low lighting that wouldn't reflect off the glass too much. They were shown to a table in the forward of the boat and Rogue looked around as their waiter poured their wine. There was a singer in the middle of the boat, currently singing something in French which she didn't know, but she liked very much.

Soon afterwards, the cruise began and the starters were brought up. They cruised past Île de la Cité, home to Notre Dame, which was beautifully lit up for the evening; Pont-Neuf and Alexander III Bridges (to name just two), the Louvre, the statue of Etienne Marcel, the Orsay Museum, Concorde Square, Palais de Chaillot, Île aux Cygnes, complete with it's own Statue of Liberty and of course, the Eiffel Tower.

They had a booklet that gave information about the landmarks that they passed but with Remy there, Rogue didn't need it. He was full of fun facts and Rogue enjoyed listening to him. For example, he told her that the Statue of Liberty was given to the city by the American town of Paris in 1889, to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. He explained that Etienne Marcel was the first mayor of Paris, in the 1300, and not afraid to get a little royal blood on his hands.

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