Chapter 5

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I looked over and saw the twins and lukis playing with warrior but I wanted him by my side so I snapped three times and he surprisingly new what I meant. He ran over and sat by my feet and looked at me, I didn't feel so good. I saw noah's lips moving but couldn't hear what he was saying then i'll I saw what blackness.


Noah's Pov

I went back to the park after dropping off Miranda and watched the kids while they were playing and april got a text. Jason looked at her expectantly and waited. She finally looked up at her phone with a little frown

"It was Miranda, she said the kids can come home."

"Are you coming with us?" She turned and looked at me

"Sure got nothing better to do." Was my response

"Adam! Pumpkin! Kicker!" Jason called to the kids

Melanie and kicker look over at jason and start to walk our way, but adam didn't even glance our way. Melanie notices her brother didn't hear so she walks over to him

"Bubby, come on." She said

Adam smiled at her and took her hand as she pulled him over to us. When they got over here we all got in the cars and I followed them to the house.


When we arrived we all got out and went to the door, april was the first one to get to the door so she knocked and miranda opened the door. When she opened the door she looked to be in pain but I didn't question it. The twins ran inside and adam ran to the little puppy on the floor, melanie ran to miranda and gave her a hug, but the hug hurt her somehow. When melanie let go to go play with the puppy april walked over to miranda and gave her a even bigger hug. Miranda cried in pain and april let go

"Bathroom now!" April said.

Miranda started to walked to the bathroom with april and jason following. Miranda turned around and roller her eyes while shaking her head. I turned to look at the twins and kicker as they are on the ground playing with the puppy who I have yet to figure out the name of. As I was watching the kids play jason walked over and started playing with them to. All of a sudden we hear the bathroom door open again and april is running around with tears in her eyes while jason is following trying to calm her down and I just stare at miranda concerned. 

"Jason back off and let me do this" She shouted angrily wiping tears from her eyes.

Miranda snapped her fingers three times and the puppy left the kids and ran to miranda. Damn that dog is trained well. I saw miranda start spinning

"Miranda, you ok?" I asked

"April! Jason!" I yelled when she was going down. 

They stopped fighting and ran over. April was crying more now and all the kids ran to where we were in the hallway. I moved her head on my lap and asked april to get the kids upstairs and asked jason to go open up my car door. As he ran out I picked miranda up bridal style and carried her to the car. 

"I am taking her to the hospital, you two ok with the kids?" I said as I layed her in the backseat.

"Dude, she hates hospitals, and we are following behind you." He responds rushed

"Ok, no hospital then, Ill take her to my house." I said quickly shutting the door to my backseat and walking to the driver seat.

"APRIL!" Jason shouted into the house. 

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