Chapter 4

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Picture of warrior above :)


"They died in a car crash, the police guy told me 4 years ago."

After he said that he walked away to go play with Mel before I could ask the question I had. I'll just have to ask him later.

They went further into the trees and away from the clearing slowly while they were playing and I just got on the ground and layed there.


Miranda's Pov

As I was laying there comfortably, I heard a noise like a car. I scurried to my feet wondering who else new of this place when he came into view with a little boy.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked walking closer to me while also keeping an eye on the little boy

"I could ask you the same thing, how long have you known of this place?" I responded

"This is my getaway space, I come here to be alone."

I just looked at him then at the woods expecting everyone else to make their self known, they didn't. I looked at him again only to find him staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused

"Nothing...Hey what's that sound?" He said as there was noise from the woods.

"Hey miranda what-"He stopped talking

"What are you doing here Noah?"

"I was here first, I think you need to leave. Now."

"Damn baby, chill." April said to jason

"BABY!?"I asked confused.

The kids walked out from behind april and jason and ran to me. Mel gripped my arm while adam stood beside me trying to act tough.

"What is going on?" asked adam with a gruff voice, I chuckled quietly.

"Look I just came to my quiet place to get some piece and quiet and hang out with Kicker."

"Kicker?" April asked confused.

"My brother."

"His name is kicker?"

"Nickname, his real name is Lukis."

I took a sharp intake of breath and looked down as he said that, it sounded so much like Luke. I look up again and everyone was looking at me. April and Jason with sadness, Lukis and Noah with confusion and the twins went back to playing. April came over and removed a tear I didn't even knew fell.

"Sorry for asking but are you ok?"

I cleared all my emotion from my face and signed fine.

She didn't look convinced but left it alone anyway. My phone rang and when I looked at it the caller ID said Jackson. I debated answering it or not and decided not to answer. I put my phone back in my back pocket and sat back down.

"Lukis go play."

Lukis looked at the twins and they waved him over. He ran over and smiled while they all played a game they created.

Everyone else sat down and April and Jason started making out. Noah sat next to me and watched Lukis closely. He looked lost in thought and I just left him there.

I opened my eyes to see my head was on a window and we were moving. I started to panic not knowing where I was or where I was going. I looked to see who was driving only to be stunned to see Noah there glancing at me then back at the road.

The broken girl and her bad boy *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now