1. Home For Christmas

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"What do you mean the flight's canceled?" Alex asks the lady behind the flight desk or whatever the fuck it's called.
The bands on tour, but they're all supposed to fly home for the holidays. Emphasis on supposed.

"I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous for any planes to take off during the storm. Well have you on the next flight as soon as possible."
"No, you don't understand," Alex explains desperately, not noticing Rian walking up behind him, "my band's going to be on tour until February and if I don't head home on the next flight out today I can't get home until Valentines!"
"I'm very sorry sir, but there's nothing I can do. The storm may clear up later tonight, but the runways won't be clear until tomorrow morning at the earliest."
"There has to be another way back to Baltimore! I need to get home-"

Rian grabs his arm and starts pulling him away from the desk. There's nothing more the woman can say, and it's just going to make Alex feel ten times worse.
Alex protests loud enough for anyone in a five foot radius to hear the grown man practically cry, but Rian doesn't let go until their back with the band and crew.

Zack is already on his phone, presumably with his parents, explaining the situation. Jack is sitting on a pile of luggage, much to Matt's dismay.

"Fucking let go!" Alex exclaims, pushing Rian away. "I'm going home." He starts walking toward the entrance with Rian not far behind.
"What, are you going to drive from Canada to Baltimore? The roads are closed, Gaskarth."
"Screw the roads-"
"I haven't seen my parents in-"
"And you're not gonna see them until February!"

Jack walks up when he sees the argument starting to get a little out of hand. He steps between Rian and Alex, who's been known to throw a fist or two if needed.
"You guys need to calm down. Literally everyone can hear you."
Alex scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm walking home." He starts walking again.
"You're gonna freeze to death," Jack sighs, grabbing the back of Alex's sweatshirt. "Besides, they're sending us all to a hotel until the storm clears. You can celebrate Christmas in two months like the rest of us."

Alex sighs. There's no way out of this. "Let me call my mom."


They leave the airport on a bus, discussing plans for who they're going to room with. Rian and Zack already decided they were rooming, and Matt and Nano and the rest of crew have their room buddies, so that leaves Jack and Alex to a room. Which sucks since Jack snores louder than shit.

Luckily the hotel isn't some shitty run down place with roaches in the sheets, but it does have the faint smell of cigarettes lingering in the walls. Not that Jack or Alex care as they drop their bags on the ground. They've been in hundreds of places like this. In fact, Alex is pretty sure they've stayed in this room before. He vaguely remembers throwing the TV out the window when he was drunk. He thought they were banned now though. Maybe that was another place.

"This is cozy," Jack says. Then he's sees the one bed. "Fuck."
"Maybe they mixed us up with some couple or something. Let's go to the front desk and-"

Rian bursts in suddenly through the joint room door. "There's only one fuckin bed. Zack's going to literally squash me in his sleep!" He walks over and pulls Jack by the arm. "We're switching rooms."
Alex cringes, but does nothing to stop this. That's Jack's problem now.

Jack pushes Rian away though. "We already claimed rooms," Jack argues. "And you have a way better chance of not being absolutely squashed by Zack."
"Yeah, but-"
"Plus," Jack says, lowering his voice, "remember that thing I told you two months ago?"
Rian's gaze flashes to Alex for a second, then he sighs. "Just this once!" He states, pointing at Jack as he leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

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