Part 3

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Romans POV

I got a little bit upset when I saw Charlotte crying, but we will see each other soon.

Charlottes POV

As I started to walk with Caitlyn and Andrew, To the bad camp where we have to sleep on the floor with only a sleeping bag and we have to live off of rice and beans... DISGUSTING.

When we arrived at the camp it was already starting to get dark so soon as we got there we set up our things and the boys decided to cook some rice and beans for us all.

Me and Caitlyn decided to look around a bit, there was this awful shower and oh my goodness was it cold! The worst bit was probably the Dunny (Toilet) after a few people went it absolutely reeked it generally hurt my nose.

When we got back I sat down and I was handed in this silver tin with about a tablespoon of rice and a tablespoon of beans probably not even that much it was probably only a teaspoon of each, I was quite hungry afterwards as you could've guessed because I only had a tiny bit of food but I couldn't wait until someone did a challenge to bring back stars which then meant we could have a proper meal.

(The bits in bold is when they are in the hut)

I don't really care if it's kangaroo balls or crocodile feet. When the guys decided to put the fire out that's when I decided to catch some Z.

~the next morning~

Let's just say I did not sleep well
It's currently the morning, and my back absolutely kills I look over my shoulder to find Caitlyn missing from her bed. At this point it's still quite dark and the Sun hasn't come up yet so I decided to put on my boots and go look for her.

"Caitlyn" I whispered, "where are you lovely?" I say agin but this time hearing little sobs coming from the dunny. I ran into there and gave her a massive hug and told her going to be okay, I took her back to the camp and it started to get light now so we decided to start the fire and make breakfast for everybody.

I decided not to mention why she was crying in case it started her off again I will just wait until the producers asked her what was wrong in the hut.

"Morning" I hear A deep voice say to me, "morningggg!" I reply with. "How was your sleep?" Asked James, "not gunna lie it was fucking crap" I say while laughing "anyways your breakfast is ready guys" I shout to wake everyone one else up.

~after we eat~

So after we eat the producers tell us to sit around the fire for when Ant & Dec arrive to tell us who is doing the first Bush tucker a trial, Ooo at them now!

"Good morning everyone!" Dec says in a jolly voice, "rise and shineee" ant says quietly for comedic reasons...(I don't know what comedic reasons are don't @ me 🤣🤣)

"So the public have been visiting for someone to do the first bush tucker trial!" Dec explains, " and in no particular order... James.... It's not you,...... Charlotte.... It's not you... Andrew.... It's not might be's not you. So that mean Caitlyn it might be you. The Person who will be facing the first bush tucker trial of 2019 is......... THE BOTH OF YOU!!" Ant says the results " please come and meet us down at the trial immediately I will see you then! Bye guys!"

(Next part coming soon)

I'm a celebrity...get me out of here! 2019Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang