*The Going Home Club*

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The sunsets, dawning the sky with its beautiful pink and orange colors, swirling and spreading over the horizon. High school was over, and the students were leaving. Some stayed after school to participate in club activities, and others were a part of the going home club. One particular student,  unfortunately for him, had to stay for a student council meeting. He urgently needed to attend. The members would not be able to proceed without his help. They were discussing budget plans and how the school's going to prepare for upcoming events.

There were some arguments and debates about cutting certain club funds and which clubs were distinguished, which were just a waste of money. Though they never really had to discuss such severe manners because the student council mainly handled, School projects and fundraisers for the school. Once the student council president agrees to their demands, they then share their ideas with the Principle and see where to go from there.

It was mind-boggling how quickly they decided he should run for the Student Council President position. Tanjirou was bored, to say the least, bored out of his mind. The only thing he's been motivated to do was to try to be a better boyfriend.

"Uh-oh." He gasped, a bit too loud during the ending of the council's meeting.It had never once occurred to the Maroon-haired boy if he even asked out his blond crush. The whole three days, he's been in heaven, being so close to Zenitsu and teasing him as much as he wanted.

But was Zenitsu okay with that?

"Um, Tanjirou?. Are you alright?". Kimiko asked worriedly. 

He turned around to see that the other council members were also giving him worrying glances. They all worried way too much about him, he could start rubbing his forehead, and they would think he had a fever. He stood up straight, shoulders back, and his head held high. The situation with the blonde would need to be handled at a later time.

"We need to find a way to earn more money to buy new textbooks." A voice called out at the very end of the table, tapping away on his laptop. He wore a frown as he angrily typed.Hearing the continual tapping of a keyboard, the council members were pondering an idea, thus realized that their textbooks could use an update.

"Oh yeah! Grumpy's right. Think about it, what student would read a textbook, that's falling apart at their feet". Another student called out.

"Grumpy?!". Yushiro yelled, glaring daggers at the student.

"Well... Some students have been complaining. That the Student Council hasn't been doing their job". Kimiko added.

Tanjirou still wondered when and how she somehow became a council member. But he couldn't worry about that at the moment. All the eyes on him currently told him that he needed to pay attention. What kind of role model would he be for his little brothers and sisters if he didn't give his best.

"Well, what should we do, Prez?" Tokito said with a shrug. The boy would rather be home taking a nap, snuggling with a hot cup of tea right about now.

"Well, I think we should discuss these matters with the Principle."

Demon Slayer Au Highschool Zenitsu Agatsuma x Tanjirou Kamado Where stories live. Discover now