Chapter 26 - The Trial of the Flash

Start from the beginning

"We have to be careful what we say." Barry whispers, looking to me. Man, everyone here is just SUPER bad at whispering today. "I'm just trying to be strong for the team and for you." Barry says. "Remember, we're The Flash."

"We're The Flash." Iris says

"I'll meet you out there." Barry tells Iris

Iris walks out

"Mack." Barry says, walking over to me

"You guys are real bad at whispering." I tell him

"Sorry." Barry says. "Listening to me, it's gonna be okay."

"How?" I ask. "You said it yourself, there's no way you're getting out of this."

"I didn't mean to say that." Barry says

"You mean you didn't mean to say that in front of me." I say

"Hey, look at me." Barry says, kneeling in front of me and raising my chin so I'm looking at him. Tears brim my eyes. "What's wrong?"

I'm silent

"Mack, talk to me." Barry says

"What happens to me if you go to jail?" I ask him

Barry is taken aback for a second

"Norhing." Barry says. "Because I'm not going to jail. Promise."


"Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the jury, If you don't understand what it is I'm about to tell you today, you need to do something." Mr Lawyer man's name which I don't know says. I sit between Caitlin and Cisco, listening. "I need you to believe in the impossible. As children, we're taught that the police are there to protect us, to serve. We're told that our tax dollars go toward training them to be the champions of the city. But for some of us, it still seems impossible that a police investigator, one of Central City's finest, could betray that trust. And even worse, under the guise of upholding the law to commit the most heinous act that one person can carry out against another. But that is exactly what Barry Allen did. Now, the prosecution will prove beyond any doubt that he stood among us a wolf in sheep's clothing. But here's the thing. Barry Allen wears a mask, used his connection to the law, his experience as a police investigator, especially as a crime scene technician, to stalk a beloved professor and husband and murder Clifford Devoe in cold blood. Ladies and gentleman, the document in my hand, it's a court-issued restraining order. It's issued to Marlize Devoe, the wife of the victim, on behalf of her husband against a Mr. Bartholomew Henry Allen. Now if you'd like a better look, I have a bigger copy. And if you'll allow me to call out what's written underneath "reason for order issue," harassment. The defendant was seen just days earlier, illegally breaking and entering into the victim's house, searching through the victim's effects. A man obsessed. Barry Allen's skin cells were found under the nails of the victim. Now imagine that, if you can, Mr. Devoe, a man in a wheelchair, desperately trying to defend himself as Mr. Allen sought to overpower him. And finally, this is the knife that was used to kill Clifford Devoe. If it looks new, that's because it is. It was a wedding gift to Mr. Allen. Now let's just let that sink in for a moment. This was supposed to commemorate the most joyous moment in a couple's lives." I see Iris grip Caitlin's hand. "But instead Mr. Allen used it to forever separate a couple from one another. He used a wedding gift as a murder weapon. That is a special kind of evil." Joe's phone goes off. "Defendant showed an absolute disregard--"

"Cisco, there's a meta attack downtown." Joe whispers. "We got to go."

Cisco gets up and leaves, Joe right after,

"I'll stay here with Barry." Iris says

Caitlin nods and leaves

I take Caitlin's seat and sit next to Iris as she puts an arm around me.

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