Fun Facts!

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THE SURVIVORS fun facts!

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WARNING: possible spoilers! read at your own risk...
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(If you haven't read the book, some of these might be confusing, but enjoy nonetheless! 😃)



1)  It took me 11 months to write the first draft. Then it took me 1 year to edit it from start to finish (1st time).

2)  I wrote just under half the book in school when I should have been revising for my exams. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3)  The first character that I came up with was Vicky, but the very first thing that came into my head was the ring Xander gave her.

4)  I came up with the story in the shower and recovering from the flu.

5)  I don't usually have face claims for my characters, but I thought either Matthew McConaughey or Andrew Lincoln could be good Kyle's.

6)  Levi wasn't in the first draft.

7)  While I was planning out the book, I thought it should have had a happy ending. And then I thought, "Nah."

8)  I have a few ideas for a companion novel for the trilogy.

9)  I don't usually base characters off people I know, but Adam is an amalgamation of my brother and my dad.

10)  There's a small piece of me in every one of my characters, but the one I relate to most is Vicky.


That's it! If I think of more I'll write them down here, but I hope you enjoyed knowing a little behind-the-scenes to when I was writing the book! 😀

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