Chapter 4 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

He forced himself to focus on his job though when he nearly ran off the road watching her. He couldn't be distracted anymore so he made a mental note to do something to cheer her up as soon as he could and shoved his worries to the back of his mind, focusing on his job.

When they arrived at his place, he was relieved that tomorrow he could spend more time without her locked in the car. He then went inside and started up his stove, intent on making dinner for them both. When he started it, she showed no interest from where she lay under the table. This only made his worry for her increase.

He still made her a plate, hoping the smell would increase her appetite enough that she would eat. Instead, her plate was left untouched, and she refused to come out from under the table. He tried to coax her a second time, but when it failed, he ate his own, then put hers in the fridge, in case she wanted it later.

" Come on." He said afterwards as he headed to bed and further worry rose inside him when she hesitated.

She hesitated for a moment, but to his relief she came. He didn't want to push his luck, so he didn't ask her to change. He just pulled the covers over her and relaxed against the heat of her fur.

" I am here if you need anything." He said and when her ears turned towards him, he knew she had heard him.

He laid there in the dark for a while. The thought of losing her hurt him. He knew she was probably hurting that much though, by staying here with him. She had lived in a pack for how many years? Being around humans all the time had to bother her and he constantly insisted and pressured her to take shed her wolf one. Did she constantly hurt like he did at the thought of losing her?

What had she seen the night her parents had died? He knew from the feds tone of voice there was more to that night, then what he had said. Her reaction to him asking only affirmed that. She was hiding from whatever had happened and still didn't want to face it. Whatever she had seen is what had forced her to the wilderness. It had to be for her to be out there for so long and constantly feel drawn back to the wild.

His attention turned outward and from his thoughts when the mattress next to him moved. When he looked at her, she was human again and he smiled. As if she knew what he was thinking, she moved closer to him and he pulled her the rest of the way, until she was against him and she let out a content sigh before he felt her body relax. He listened to her breathing until it evened out, then he closed his eyes and forced his mind to stop worrying. He fell asleep moments later with her still by his side.

The internal war had once again begun as they made their way into the park. She wanted to run free, but her wolf wanted to stay near Owen. Being so close to her own pack lands was making the desire far worse. At least today they weren't surrounded by humans. She thought as she eyed the fields and plateaus of her home.

His home was near where her pack's denning site had been before the other pack had taken it from them. As if sensing her inner turmoil, she turned to find him watching her. A soft whine came from her when she realized it. He was just as restless as her it seemed, and he was also worried about her. That she also knew.

" Go ahead and run." He said, and confusion rose inside her. He was giving her his permission?

" I know you want to run. I would to, if I were you." He said as he crouched down next to her on the grass so that his eyes were level with hers. She still didn't move though so he gave her a forced smile as gently pushed her side, assuring her that it truly was okay.

" Go ahead. I will be out here all day and we both know you can easily find me with your nose." He teased her with humor, knowing his words were true.

"You can take as long as you want. I will still be here waiting for you." He reassured her, and her head turned sideways as she continued to wager her inner war. She glanced out at the fields and the wind blowing in them, carrying the scent of nature to her, only tempted her more.

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