•Chapter 0• [Wake From Your Sleep]

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The reality, I can... hear it. Feel it. The enormous energy of every star, every universe all rushing through my body. It was a feeling like no other. For a brief moment, I saw heaven... then I fell through Hell, and finally landed on the mortal plane. But, it was not the once beautiful world I've come to have known, it was but a barren wasteland, void of any life. The skies were no longer beautiful blue but grey with a white crescent moon in the centre surrounded by faint but visible... gears. The type of gears you'd see in a clock or some sort of other apparatus. They were... broken. Some had large fragments missing from them, others had countless cracks through their entire body. I looked around, but there was nothing but the empty plains of a once beautiful world. 


A sudden voice rang out from seemingly nowhere. It belonged to a male around the age of 30 to 40 years. It somewhat resembled my very own voice, even if just faintly. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't. When I tried to say something, no sound came out of my mouth.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but it will take a certain amount of time for you to regain your lost voice. Time, which we have plenty of here. Or rather, we don't. There is no such thing as 'when' here, only 'where'.

He understood me, which means that-

I can read your thoughts. Yes, you are correct, Y/N M/N L/N.

And you know my name too. Just, what are you?

Something outside of your comprehension. I am by no means a God, but I am something similar.

Well, alright then. What is this place? It feels very familiar, but yet foreign at the same time.

Your home, or rather the remnants of its glory.

My home? What happened? When I... died, I remember there being many, many fields of beautiful flowers, tall forests, large cities filled with people. 

Just like yours, the world's time came to an end. 

But then, why am I...?

Alive? Well, you are not. As of this moment, what you see before you, your body, well, it isn't your body, it's your soul.

My soul? Okay then, but why did you call me?

I never do things needlessly, Y/N. I brought your conscience here for a reason, and that reason is very simple.

Well, out with it then. 

There is no need for you to be stressed out, Y/N. The sole purpose of me bringing you here is to ask a simple question.

Did you wake up a deadman just to ask him a question? Aren't you supposed to be, like, all-knowing or something?

I said I am something similar to a God, not the actual God, or one of them to be precise, but now we're going off the topic. The question is simple; Do you want to live?

...What? What do you mean?

Do you want to be able to feel? Do you want to be able to walk among the living as you have once used to? Do you, Y/N M/N L/N, want to accomplish things you would never think you would be able to do?

•[Grind The Gears]• Male Reader x WakfuWhere stories live. Discover now