Chapter 16: Settei Kaitai - Origins

Start from the beginning

August 5th, 2007
Kiozuki Kaitai's Funeral
1:40pm (13:40 PM)

The Funeral for my Father had begun and it had only been clear to me why this was happening. I was devastated to realize that I wouldn't be seeing my Father again. My mother has been depressed since the news broke out about my Father and it clearly affected her for the rest of my life. Many heroes were gathered around here to honor the sacrifice that led him to where he is now. Unfortunately, the most they could do at first was give their condolences for what had happened to our family and just lend us some support for a while. My household was more quiet than usual, but my mother always tried to wear a smile on her face. She was incredibly strong to hold herself during the funeral and after. All I could think about was... "who was the one who murdered him?"

Later that day, when I was home with my mother, we got a knock on the door. It turned out to be one of my Uncles, Yoto Regikuga, he worked with my Father as his closet assistant in the company as he was in charge of the distribution of equipment to each shop.
"Shinoa... how are you holding up?"
"Just fine. Fortunately... we are doing just well. How are you, Yoto?"
"Doing well too. Thankfully we still have some good assistants who helped me with trying to keep the business up and running, but unfortunately, it's a lot harder to manage than I had anticipated. Listen Shinoa... I came here to talk to you about something important. Uh, Settei would you mind giving me and your mother some privacy to talk about some important things?"
I wasn't really sure what they wanted to talk about, but I nodded and walked to my room. Well, at least that's what I made them think as I remained hidden behind the wall of the hallway that led to my room. I really couldn't help myself to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Shinoa... we got word of who the Killer is."
"W-wait what? Yoto... why are you telling me this?"
"I know it seems odd, but I know you have many connections in and out of Japan. I'm not sure if you know of anyone by the last name, (L/N)?"
"No... I'm afraid not. Why would you ask?"
"That's because someone of the (L/N) family was who killed your husband. I'm unsure if it was Richard himself who was the one that killed him, but he was found dead as well. The only possibility could be either his wife or son but it is highly unlikely. If you can send someone to do reconnaissance out in the USA then maybe we can find out who it was."
The more they talked, the more I felt my anger rising. Surely enough, that name wouldn't stop ringing in my head.
"(L/N)... (L/N). Whoever you are... I'll have my revenge on you! For killing my Father!"

I spend years training to master my quirk, and I learned how to fight with my quirk. I trained as hard as I could so that I can train to be a hero... so that one day... when the time comes...

May 9th, 2016
U.A High School / Class 1A
15 minutes before Homeroom started

"Hey, Settei! Have you seen that video that was posted in the Line chat?!" Akihotto spoke out who was next to me during lunchtime. She was over joyous about that video but I haven't seen it at all.
"Oh no, I haven't had the chance to watch it because I was still finishing up our assignment. What's it about?"
"It's about two guys from our school going at it in a sparring match. It was pretty damn cool. Look check it out!" As she pulled her phone out and showed me a video online. It was recorded by a friend of hers that's in class 1D, who happened to be in school that day too.
The video was playing and it was an (H/C) haired guy fighting a blond-haired guy who was naked for some reason. The blonde was phasing through some of his attacks and the other one was taking punch after punch to the point that I even felt like he was just losing. That was until I saw him power up and get stronger and faster. It was pretty wild and it made me happy to know they were in this school. Quirks like that are truly amazing and something that could really make a difference in our society today. It wasn't long that I learned that he was in class 1B which was surprising, but it was the reason why they have the hero courses divided into two to fit all these kinds of quirk users.

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