Trust Installed

Começar do início

Even so, I won't admit it and I don't want her to feel like she has to come with us.

"I can take you home first if you like?" I ask all the while hoping her answer is no.

Please come. Please come. Please come.

"I want to come with you. Well as long as I won't get in the way" she says completely neutral as if she's happy to do what's best for me. Dear god, where has she been all my life? And how could she think she'd get in the way?

"You won't get in the way" I assure her quickly. Probably too quickly. She no doubt sees right through my nonchalance.


Silence pretty much defeans me on the elevator ride up to the top floor of my building. Sofia is sending me a reassuring smile right this second because clearly my panic is obvious to her. Jack on the other hand seems more awkward than panicked. Is it that weird for me to be seen with a women? Definitely not. Then again it's certainly weird that I'm being affectionate towards one. For some reason the clear impression that everyone has of me, bothers me a hell of a lot.

Sure I was never compassionate or all that caring but I've always been respectful and polite. Who am I kidding? I've been an asshole to most people in my life. I just can't act that way with Sofia, it's like all of that shittiness inside me evaporates.

Even now, I can't help but smile back at her. I mean look at her, look how cute she is. Her brunette hair is tied up in a drastically messy bun, while she still wears my hoodie. Her black jeans hug her in all the right places and all of this makes her look so cozy as well as sexy. Her slightly tired eyes make me want to take her back to bed so that she can sleep on my chest.

See, my mind is fucked. Why are we even here? Oh yeah, my database corruption.

The ping of the elevator doors signals our arrival on the top floor and Jacks walks out first. I take Sofia's hand as we follow him simply because I can. I guess I'm taking advantage of the fact that right now I have someone to take comfort in. It's strange but addictive.

When we reach my office Jack unlocks the door. It's only him and myself that have a key. I'm actually not sure why we're in my office since the server rooms are a few floors down. I'm sure they mentioned the reason on the ride over here but I was too busy working out how I'm going punish the person who did this.

Publicly expose their sins? Maybe. Bankrupt them? Possibly. We all have something to hide so I think the first option would be more fun.

The lights flick on automatically and Sofia lets go of my hand to head straight for my laptop. I've been leaving it here more often these days. My work hours have been a little messed up.

"May I?" She asks, her hands hovering over the keyboard.

"Of course" I reply without hesitation and then realise how whipped I am. Sure Patrick just let someone have complete access to literally everything in your life.

Except it doesn't seem that big of a deal because...I trust her. Not sure how she achieved that from me but here we are.

"Can you type your password in please?" She asks waiting ever so patiently while I let my brain catch up. I'm usually so sharp but whoever said emotion is weakness was right. Although it's a weakness I'm happy to deal with.

"It's -" I begin, deciding that just telling her would be easier.

"No! Don't tell me!" She exclaims, eyes wide and panicked. What?

"Why not?" I question confused by her reaction.

"Rule number one: the less people that know your password aka personal information, the better" she informs sternly as if she's reprimanding me. Well shit that's hot.

Sugar. Why not?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora