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Picture is of Kenny Holland who plays as Aiden Bluu


Aiden doesn't choose to be alone it just sorta happens that way. Ok he's lying sometimes he does choose to be alone. But on the days he doesn't choose to be alone, like today, his life basically consists of his two moms, his German Shepherd named Stiles. Going to school and seeing his three sometimes four friends. Sometimes four if Xavier decides to show up.

His three friends well I should say four but for now I'll say three. There's Layla Smith. Average height tan skin, dark green eyes, and dark brown wavy hair. Girlfriend material right? Right, well the thing is that she has one and the thing she likes to complain about him to Aiden. He has no clue why she does this but he doesn't have the heart to tell her to shut the hell up because he doesn't care about her relationship problems. So instead he sits there quietly and pretends to listen. He knows that its wrong but it can get really fucking annoying. Listening about her relationship with Keith all the damn time. So cut the guy a break.

Now on to Luka Hale. 5'7, dark brown eyes, caramel colored skin, and short brown hair. He likes Luka the most because Luka talks to him. I mean Layla does that to but Luka actually ask him how his day is, and how was math class. He also likes Luka because whenever Layla comes up to Aiden to tell whatever the hell Keith did last night that she clearly did not like. Luka's there to make more bearable while he's getting his ear chewed off. But if he's being frank it goes in one ear and out the other. He also can tell that Luka doesn't like it either because every word that comes out of her mouth he either rolls his eyes, scoffs or does something really rude. Aiden does his best not to laugh or chuckle. And in return there's a small smile playing on Luka's lips. So yeah he likes Luka the best because he makes Aiden's day a little more bearable.

And last but not least there's Jayson Lockk. 5'8, tan skin, light brown eyes, short brown hair. He likes Jayson too because he's all about spreading positivity and following your dreams. And Jayson's dream is maybe become a famous actor one day. Aiden thinks that, that boy will make it because god damn he can act. Aiden came to notice that he's also loving and sweet and cares about people's feelings. He also notices that he likes to make people smile. Aiden can't help feel a little jealous but it goes away because he looks up too Jayson and thinks that's a good thing.

[A/N] idk broskies I'm kinda excited for this story. And I think this story is going to be in mostly in 3rd persons' POV or Aiden's POV and what do you you think of chapter one? Oh and did I tell you guys that while writing this I'm currently sick not like Ebola sick so massage your mammories. Mammories means boobs and hopefully I spelled that right. Love ya broskies -A

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