Chapter 2

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Evelyn's pov

It's been two months since the monsters took over the world. Papa, Uncle Merle, Todd, and I were camping in the woods on Atlanta's outskirts. The whole city was bombed, and there were a lot of cars on the road.

"Papa, can I go run around with Todd?" I asked, making him look at me for a bit before he nodded his head

"Stay within shouting distance and stay where I can see you." I nodded my head before Todd, and I took off into the forest

I was laughing and having fun while Todd was squeaking in glee. Before I knew it, I tripped, making me land on my knees. I went to stand, but my ears caught a twig snap making my head shoot up. I only looked around me to see Todd growling in the direction that I'm guessing it came from. I stood up and walked towards Todd before picking him up and holding him in my arms. I went to walk back in the direction of camp but heard the bushes rustle. In a blink of an eye, a gun was pointing at my face.

"PAPA!" I screamed his name a couple of times before the man put his gun down and covered my mouth, making Todd bite him, which made him yelp in pain. "PAPA!"

I heard running coming in my direction before my Papa and Uncle Merle came out of the trees holding their weapons. Papa stormed towards me before lightly pushed me behind him. The man immediately raised his hands in surrender with a nervous look on his face.

"Whoa, hang on now," he said, "Let's talk about this for a sec. It's not what you think."

Uncle Merle walked up next to Papa and me with a smirk on his face.

"Seems to me like you were attacking my niece, man." He said

He shook his head immediately.

"I didn't know who she was." He informed, "How about this, to make it up to you, you can stay at my camp."

I looked at Papa and Uncle Merle only to see his smirk widen while Papa's eyes narrowed.

"We have women, children, and other members that can keep your little girl company and safe." He informed

Daddy and Merle look at each other they stayed like that for a bit before looking back at the man.

"Alright, pal, you got a deal." He said, with a smirk on his face

He nodded before Papa, put his crossbow up, and while my Uncle put his gun up. We walked back to camp before tearing it down and packing it into the truck. Papa and I drove in the truck while Uncle and that man rode in the back of the truck.

"Do you think Uncle Merle is going to do something to these people?" I asked, making Papa look at me, but all I was doing was looking down at Todd while he was nuzzling into my hand

"I don't know, baby girl," He said, with a sigh, "maybe."

I nodded before looking out the window. When we got there we saw, an RV and people walking around and kids my age running around chasing each other. I gulped before looking down at Todd while he was looking up at me. The truck stopped before Papa stepped out the truck, making me look back up at him outside the window. He was looking at me before nodding his head; I opened the door before hopping out with Todd in my arms while watching Uncle Merle jump out from the back of the truck. I closed the door before walking towards my Papa's side and hid behind his leg's back. I let Todd down, and he sat down right next to my leg. I peaked around my Papa's leg to see that all the people were standing in front of the camp and were starring at us. The man walked in front of us with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, these people are going to be joining us." He said, looking from them to us, "Would y'all wanna introduce yourself."

"I'm Merle Dixon, that's my little brother Daryl, and my niece Evelyn." Uncle Merle introduced

"I'm Shane Walsh. Welcome to the group." He said, "If you want to meet the rest of the group, just go around, and they'll introduce themselves."

Everyone dispersed, and we grabbed all of our things before walking away and set up our camp farther away from the group.

"Evie, set up the camp while Uncle Merle and I grab the rest," Papa said, making me nod my head, "Okay?"

I nodded while they walked away, making me and Todd get to work. I was setting up the chairs while Todd was grabbing some sticks and bringing them over. After the third chair was set up, I heard some footsteps coming my way, making me turn around to see a boy my age.

"Hi, my name's Carl Grimes." He introduced himself

"Hi, I'm Evelyn." I greeted, making me smile at him. "But, I guess you already know that."

He chuckled nervously before he looked down at Todd.

"Wow, you have a pet fox!" He asked, with a bewildered look on his face

I nodded my head with a proud smile on my face.

"Yeah! I saved him from hunters!" I said as Todd sat down next to me and nuzzled his head into my leg. "Sadly, he was the only one I saw, but he's my best friend."

I picked him up, and he climbed onto my shoulder and curled himself around my neck to where he was hiding behind my hair. Carl and I giggled at the silly fox before I continued doing what my Papa told me to do.

"Need any help?" He asked, making me look at him in curiosity

"Why not, you can help me make the tent," I said, making him nod his head with a determined look on his face.

We started making the tent, and not going to lie, we were getting irritated, but it was fun either way. We finally got it together when my Daddy and Uncle Merle showed up; daddy looked at me amused while Uncle Merle was smirking at the whole situation. We just smiled at them; maybe this place won't be so bad after all.

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