It's a Snow Day!

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"Boys, wake up." Clark said, knocking on the door frame. Jon sat up.

"Dad, it's 6 in the morning."

"I know." Clark said, softly. "We need to shovel the snow on the sidewalk so people can walk safely."

Jon jumped down from the second story of the bed. He nudged Damian.

"Wake up- superhero business."

"I've been awake since 4." Damian muttered, sitting up. "Why, again, are we shoveling the sidewalks?"

"Because it's what good people do." Jon shrugged.

They got dressed and headed downstairs. Jon said 'good morning' to the door man and Clark opened their storage unit and grabbed out 3 shovels.

Jon carried his proudly to the door. "I used to shovel our entire driveway." He boasted.

Damian was mildly insulted that Clark gave him the smallest shovel but he got over it.

The outside wind was fierce and Damian felt it bite as wind and snow burned across his cheeks.

"It wasn't this cold in the League." He muttered.

Jon heard (super-hearing) and laughed. "Welcome to Metropolis!"

Damian watched Jon. Despite having inherited super-strength from his father, he seemed to struggle. Damian walked up and tapped Jon on the shoulder. He pulled down the scarf that was covering his mouth.

"Dude, you're an alien. Why can't you lift like your dad?"

Jon shrugged. "My powers don't really work without adrenaline- at least that's what mom thinks."

Damian laughed and balled up a ball of snow and threw it at Jon. "Tag. You're it."

Jon laughed. "That's not how tag works but I accept your challenge." He grabbed a handful of snow and ducked to avoid Damian's snowball. He threw one back at Damian, effectively hitting him on his shoulder.

"Your aim is shit!" Damian laughed over the biting wind but he felt Jon's snowballs start to hurt so he worked on dodging them. Damian pulled the scarf down again. "I think your super-strength is back!"

Jon grabbed his shovel and picked up a shovelful of snow with ease. "Hey! It is!"

Damian snickered. "Guess I'll just throw things at you when you're low on power."

They shoveled the sidewalks all around the apartment building, even though snow was still falling.

Once inside, Mrs. Kent served the family stacks of pancakes. Damian was a picky eater but one thing he did like was pancakes. Jon told his parents, proudly, that after messing around in the snow with D, his powers cam back.

"All I need is adrenaline." Jon beamed. "That means my powers should work whenever there's danger. I'm safe!"

"Except for when we were hanging upside down in a warehouse."

"True." Jon frowned. "But I have super-healing so I would probably be okay."

The phone rang. It was Bruce.

"Hey, Bruce. How's everything going? I'm not used to you calling on the phone. I have to say, I am surprised." There was silence on the phone for a second. "Ah, you're at work. Well I can ask the boys. They're probably getting tired of laying around the apartment."

Clark looked at the boys. "Do you want to go to the Manor? Dick is there and there's a huge yard to play in."

Jon and Damian sat up straight. "Yes!" Jon answered. "I want to see Tim!"

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