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I wish time was still, we'd stay right here

With time to kill in our hearts without chains

And if time was still, we'd have no fear

Or scars to heal in our hearts without chains

In our hearts without chains

Oh, how I wished time was still. Neither of us would have any fear if time would just stop. Just stop. We'd stay where we are right now, or where we were before we knew this was going to happen; we'd be happy.

We only have time to kill. Nothing else to do. Kill time. How did our lives turn this way? One minute we were happy, the next; we both had terror in our eyes. Our hearts got free, now they're without chains. Free. Without chains. Gives anyone a cold feeling.

Time. Please. Stay still. If you were still we'd be happy, don't do this to us.

We'd need healing to our scars, but there's no way to heal them. They're too deep. Nothing can stop the blood coming now.

Hearts without chains.

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