2019, aug, wk 29, prt 2

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tommo: i'm really happy you said yes.

hazzabear: i'm really happy you asked

hazzabear: i would've shat myself

tommo: i almost did.

tommo: i had to text niall, liam and zayn to make sure it wasn't the dumbest idea.

hazzabear: you don't have dumb ideas lou.

hazzabear: just ones that succeed more.

tommo: how are you always such a ball of sunshine?

tommo: like, genuinely?

hazzabear: what do you mean?

tommo: i just,

tommo: i admire you so much.

tommo: you never let anything get you down.

tommo: and you're always there for me.

tommo: i must be a huge brat.

tommo: i'm sorry for annoying you all the time.

hazzabear: is everything alright lou?

hazzabear: is today a good day?

tommo: it was supposed to be.

hazzabear: what's made it bad?

hazzabear: was it me? did i say something to upset you? be honest, it's ok

tommo: it's not you, i just... really miss my siblings.

tommo: i tried to really distance myself after everything that's happened and after talking to them more, all i want to do is go see them, but i'm worried they'll hate me and i just...

tommo: i know i won't go which is why i'm sulking

tommo: sorry. i'm being a little bitch.

tommo: i'm being overdramatic.

tommo: i'm ruining this day for us.

hazzabear: it's okay. you're not being any of the things you just called yourself.

hazzabear: you haven't ruined anything boo.

hazzabear: can you do something for me?

tommo: what is it?

hazzabear: are you in bed? do you want to get up?

tommo: i'm pacing. i'm nervous.

hazzabear: why?

tommo: i don't know.

hazzabear: it's okay.

hazzabear: i'm going to be home in a few minutes, i just got the pizza.

hazzabear: can you grab a bag, and put some pj's in there, for you and me, and some clothes for a couple days?

hazzabear: or do you want me to just do it when i get home? either is fine lou.

tommo: i can do it. i'm up anyway.

tommo: where are we going?

hazzabear: to see your family.

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