Fighting at the local Walmart

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As Bibleman opens the card Sister Sacrilegioux threw at him, he sighs.
"She wants to meet at Walmart in one hour, in the baking isle. Because, and I quote, "ain't no bitch gonna be in that isle at 1:30 am"."
Elizabathe decides to speak up, knowing that Cayleigh is getting closer to exposing her, "We could just... not go?"
"I want all of you to go home and rest, I'll go myself."
Eliza gasps,
"No, Miles."
"Yes, I'm serious. Drop me off and I'll text you when I need you to come get me."
The whole time sighs and does just that.


"Alright, they should be here soon."
Cayleigh says to herself and she waits in he baking isle of Walmart.
About five minutes later.. he shows up.

"Alright Sister Sacrilegioux! I've had enough of your crap. Let's end this."
Sister just laughs,
"Ohhh, So you decided to come alone? That's perfect! Because I have something to tell you. I don't wanna ruin the surprise but.. maybe talk to your precious "butterpop" when you go home."
Before Miles can even process what she said, she's punched him.
"Well, this has been fun but I'm tired! Bye!"
Miles has already dialed up Cayleighs number.
As he climbs in the car, he asks her a question
"Sister told me that you had something to tell me?"
Elizabathe has had enough of the back and forth shit, and wants to be with her REAL boyfriend, the wacky protestor.
"Alright, look. I do have something to tell you and you have to trust me. Sister Sacrilegioux IS Cayleigh. I'm Elizabathe. Cayleighs been right about me this whole time, I do work with the villians. I'm the one who got her captured, and I pretended to love you. I did at the beginning, but nowhere near as much as I do my real boyfriend. I'm sorry, but I'm really not. So just go find your boyfriend so I can leave. I'm tired of the good guy bullshit here, okay?"
Miles looks shocked.
"Get out of my car. Come back tomorrow and get your shit, but get out of my car, you hear me?"
Elizabathe morphs back into her real form, and begins to tear up.
"Are you really going to be this way? I said I loved you!"
Miles turns his head and looks directly in her eyes, her eyes that changed from Cayleighs blue to some other type of blue, and ugly blue. An evil blue.
"I'm giving you three seconds. Get out, i will have your stuff packed tomorrow morning by ten. Be there by ten or I'm throwing it all away, you hear me?"
Elizabathe just nods, ready to see her boyfriend.
"Okay, goodbye."
"Fuck you."
He pushes her out of the door, shuts it and drives off.
He doesn't worry about her trying to report it, no cameras have proof of her even being with him.

Bibleman Learns to Forgive, But he doesn't Forget.Where stories live. Discover now