The openers set didn't last too long, maybe about 45 minutes. They did a cover of a popular song that everyone went crazy for. I enjoyed listening their music and watching them perform. After they finished their set, we waited another half an hour to 45 minutes for the band we waited all day for to appear on the stage.

The crowd in the pit pushed forward and Chloe and I were smushed against the barricade. I was starting to get a bit overwhelmed and the show had only just started. Focus on the music, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and sang along to the music, only paying attention to how amazing it sounded. When the song ended, I felt ten times better.

The show from barricade was truly an experience. We were so close to the boys and everything that was going on onstage. I'm sure we missed some things, but that didn't bother me at all. Being up front, I was able to get a lot of pictures and videos that turned out amazing. There was a song they played where Tyler came into the crowd. Chloe and I got to help hold him up. When this happened, I think there were a few minutes where I actually lost my mind. Chloe recorded and sent it to me, I also recorded while this happened.

The shows this band put on were always the best, but being at the very front definitely heightened the journey. Any time I got to see this band perform, I was extremely grateful. They were one of the only things that got me through what I had gone through in life. Whenever I went to their concerts, I got very emotional and cried because of how much they meant to me.

When the show was over, I collected so much confetti. I didn't know what I was going to do with it yet, but I knew it was going to be crafty. I also grabbed a flower off the barricade that I was convinced would be the perfect accessory in my Jeep. I was very sad and exhausted by the time I made it home. Chloe spent the night at my house since we made plans for the next day. Before going to bed, I looked over the pictures and videos I had accumulated.

The next day, Chloe and I woke up late. We showered and got ready to go out for lunch and to the beach. Yeah, it was January but we lived in Florida so our winter had already come and gone. I was planning on laying out in the sun and reading most of the time anyway. When the two of us were set to go, we made our way to this all-you-can-eat style hibachi and sushi place that we usually went to when we got the chance to go to lunch. We liked it and could eat until we were full!

The two of us stayed at the restaurant for about an hour and a half before we started our journey to the beach. It took us about an hour to get there and even though it was midday, it wasn't busy. We made our way and set up. After placing our sheet out on the sand and putting up the umbrella, we turned on some music and laid out in the sun. I fell asleep almost right away and didn't wake up until a couple hours later when my phone started ringing.

I didn't look at the caller ID before answering. "Hello," I mumbled, groggily.

"I thought you two were going to the beach?" Eli's voice said.

"We are at the beach," I told him.

"I find that hard to believe. You were asleep!"

"In case you forgot, we were out late last night and stuffed our faces full of hibachi and sushi earlier today. Forgive me for taking a nap," I joked with him. I sat up and looked around our stuff. Chloe wasn't anywhere in sight, she must have gone into the water.

"Okay, okay. You're forgiven," he laughed as he spoke.

"What's up?" I asked him, wondering the reason for his call.

"What? I can't call my girlfriend just to see how her day is going?"

"You most certainly can, but you haven't done it yet. So I'm a bit suspicious."

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