Chapter 32

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Angel's P.O.V

"That was close," I muttered, turning visible again.

"I'll say, I thought I was going to be burned when you turned invisible," Marcus shook his head.

"I would never just leave a fireball unattended," I shook my head.

"How was I supposed to know that?" Marcus whined, making me roll my eyes.

"Should we continue or is that enough for you guys?"

"Tommy said something about force fields, can you put me in one?" Marcus asked.

"I want to try too," Rachel piped in.


I put a field around the both of them and they went around trying to find the wall when they finally found it they grinned at each other in aw. 

They are so easily amused.


"So what did you do today?" Mavor asked coming into my room.

"Nothing much. I just had to pick up somethings from a place." I lied, badly might I add.

"Uh huh," he said climbing onto the bed and laying next to me.

I was glad he left it at that and didn't ask anymore.

"Why would you lay on my bed? It's so small," I asked, seeing as I was about to fall off the edge.

"What do we need so much room for? Would you rather go to mine? Do you want to, you know?" he shot questions faster than I could answer.

"No. I'm just trying to point out that i'm falling off over here."

"Oh I can fix that," he smiled putting one arm under the arch of my back and pulling me on top of him.

"This is actually comfortable," I sighed snuggling into his chest making him chuckle.

"Good, now kiss me?"

As I turned up there was a scream at the door.

"Mommy! Mavor's hurting Angel!"

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