Chapter 8

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Mavor's P.O.V.

"Mavor, I already told you twice! You have to go pick her up!" mom scolded me.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going! Geez."

"Well hurry up you're already late."

"Why don't you go get her? Stop being lazy." I muttered.

"I heard that!"

"Bye mom!"

I walked out to my car, bouncing my keys in my hand. I got in, turned up the music, and headed off towards the nerd.

As I was nearing the street her class was on, something caught my eye. It was one of my group members from school and she was leaving a trail of blood across the floor.

I turned down the music and yelled out my window.



"What the hell happened?!" I shouted.

I pulled over on the side of the street and ran to check on her.

"Why are you crying? And what happened to your arm? You're bleeding! Who did this to you!?"

"It was this guy he-he was wearing a mask and-and he was going to r-rape me Mavor! He was going to rape me." she whispered the last part and burst into a fresh set of tears.

"How did you get away?" I asked softly pulling her towards my car to take her to the hospital.

"This girl. She saved me, oh god! We have to call the cops!"

"Why I thought you said she saved you? The cops can get the guy later. We have to get you to a hospital."

"No! Mavor, you don't understand she saved me by taking my place!"

"What do you mean?"

"It was this girl with brown hair she was wearing old baggy clothes. She said she would take my place! So he let me go and took her instead!"

"Nerd girl." I whispered over the sirens that where getting closer to us.

"What?" she asked loudly over the sirens.

"Was it nerd girl? From school?" I asked her seriously.

"Oh my god! I think it was! I just didn't recognize her without her glasses. We have to help her!"

"Where did you last see them?"

"Follow me!"

We ran the same way the cops were going and ended up near an alley.

"There! Over there!" she pointed into the alley coming to a stop.

What I saw made me want to throw up. There on the ground laid Angel with so much blood pooling around her, while the bastard kicked her in the head repeatedly.

"Get the hell away from her!" I yelled running along side the cops.

"Don't move!" the officer shouted at the guy.

"One more step and I'll stab her right in the heart." he sneered waving a knife around.

"No you don't have to do that. Just drop the weapon and put your hands above your head."

"Okay. I'll drop it alright." he chuckled darkly.

I watched, horrified, as he threw the knife into Angel's lifeless body.

"You bastard!" I growled, running towards him tackling him to the ground.

I punched him repeatedly in the face until the officers pulled me off.

"That's enough son! He's out cold."

"I'm sorry....I'm just so angry." I sighed.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No she's....a friend"

"Would you like to ride in the ambulance with her?"

"Yes. Thank you sir."

I got into the ambulance after checking on Cindy, and glared at the floor unable to look at Angel's lifeless body.

I don't know what came over me. 

Why did I react like that? I mean I hate her...I shouldn't have cared.

Well I'm not a heartless monster, I would have saved any girl.

Plus I should have been here earlier, I was probably just mad at the fact that I could get in trouble.

I just didn't want to get in trouble right?


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