Chapter 18

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Erik's POV

As I walk out of the room where Christine lay with her Vicomte, I see her take the plain engagement ring that I forced on her so many nights ago, toss it out the window, and replace it with the one Raoul wore.

I realize that I deserved every word she said to me but, it still burns a hole in my heart.

I don't know why I left her alone in that room. I can't trust her enough to not attempt to escape. Although I know that she doesn't physically have the strength to leave her love. After tonight we'll leave Paris forever, it's what's best for her, in order for her to truly be mine and only mine.

Christine's POV

I sit there motionless for what feels like a lifetime, just caressing Raoul's beautiful face. I think about the life we could've had together, far away from here, maybe a quaint home on the ocean or in my home of Sweden. "Say you'll love me every waking moment. Turn my head with talk of summertime," I quietly sing to Raoul, my tears falling on his soft cheeks. "Oh Raoul, you didn't deserve this, I will never forgive Erik, for his love caused your death," I whisper before lying my head on his chest, trying to fall asleep and praying the Lord will let me go with Raoul wherever that may be.

Erik's POV

I stand outside Christine's room and listen to her tormented, angelic voice sing to the Vicomte. When she finishes, I crack the door open to see her asleep with him still in her arms. My Christine, even while crying she is still the most radiant creature I have ever laid eyes on. I walk over to her and wrap my cloak on her sleeping figure and place a small kiss on her forehead; "I love you," I say as I walk out of the room, standing outside the door.

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