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After they drank their coffees, they went to the park. Jungkook was silent all the time and nervous as hell. His crush was next to him and he didn't know how to act.

„Say, Jungkook...do you want to go on a date tomorrow?", Taehyung asked with a smile. He was nervous as well, but he didn't show it.

„O-Of course I want!" He smiled happily and looked at Taehyung, but his smile soon faded and instesd of that a shocked and red face replaced his smile.


Because Kim fucking Taehyung kissed him.

Jungkook returned the kiss after five seconds. The shocked, yet happy boy still didn't know how to act actually.
„U-Uhm...", he said after the Kiss. „T-That was beautiful.."

„Really? I think so too.", Taehyung said with a smile and his cheeks had a little red tint.

„Let's kiss more often then...", he suggested with a smile.

The younger boy nodded immediatly and hugged his crush.
„I would love to!"

What Jungkook didn't know was, that Taehyung wasn't as happy on the inside. Of course he was happy because of Jungkook, but his soul was broken. So broken that not even he is able to patch it together.


𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 | Vkook | ✔Where stories live. Discover now