One day

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*Maddie's Pov*
I wake up before Brad, who was sleeping and breathing very heavily. He began to fidget again, frowning and flinching. It's like he was having a nightmare. I touch his shoulder and shake him gently. Trying to awake him from his sleep. There was no waking him. He could sleep through anything.
I shake him slightly harder 'Brad Brad wake up'
He jumps up, gasping for air and holding his rips. 'Brad?'
He turns to me and pulls me into a tight grip. 'I love you Mads'
He breaths heavily 'what is it Brad?'
'Just a bad dream'
That's the third time I've seen him have a bad dream. He looked shaken. He releases the grip and smiles 'let's get ready for school then shall we?'
I nod, smile and run to the bathroom shouting 'hey Brad, can you get me out an outfit'
'Mads, I think the few clothes you brought over is all in the wash, I can drive you to yours, so you can get your stuff and move in'
I walk to the bathroom door,looking at him sat on the bed 'can you just look for me'
He gets up slightly annoyed as he thought he knew there was no clothes of mine in the wardrobe. I stand there smiling as I knew what he would find.
As he opens the wardrobe he looks to me confused, 'your stuff, it's here but how?'
I laugh, 'well I just couldn't wait, I drove over to mine through the night as I knew mum wouldn't be in and got all my stuff brought it back and unpacked'
I walk towards him 'I hope that's okay'
He grabs me and kisses me. As our lips part I say 'now you going to pick me out some clothes or not?'
He nods, 'get in the shower' as he pushes me gently towards the bathroom.
As I stand in the shower I let the water just run over my face as I stood there thinking about Brad. He's been having nightmares I know it but what about? And it's clear he doesn't want to discuss it? I don't know what to do. I don't want to push him?
As I jump out the shower I look into the mirror and quickly shout 'BRAD!!!!!'
He comes running in, his face covered with worry, his eyebrows frowned. 'What is it? What's happened? Mads?'
As I turn, he begins to laugh. 'How the hell can I go to school with these hickeys all over my neck and chest?'
'Lets have a day off then'
Really that's his reply. I look to his neck and notice the one I gave him. I smile. As he continues to speak. 'And there love bites, come and made from someone who loves you and you love them' as he bites his lip smiling.
'Well I guess you don't mind showing yours off then'
He quickly runs and looks in the mirror. 'Oh Mads' I laugh. 'Come on Brad there love bites' he grabs my waist, kissing me quickly on the lips to stop me laughing. 'Well that's that then, we go to school and show them off' he gives me a final kiss and begins to walk out.
I run for my phone
Text to Nat-
Hey Nat, urgent!!!!! Bring your concealer to school! Please I really need it
Text from Nat-
Can't wait to see why you would need it, see you in ten.
Thank goodness. I could always count on Nat. I can't wait to see her reaction when she finds out why I need it. I don't even wear make up, well only mascara. I continued to get ready and made sure my hair was down and covering both neck and chest, both sides. Thank god my hair is long and thick.
As I get down stairs Brad is in the kitchen, we quickly have breakfast and head to school.
*Brad's Pov*
Why can't I stop having these nightmares? It's been reoccurring more frequently recently. I'm not sure what I can do. All I keep dreaming about is my dad and what he used to do to me. But I'm over it, why can't I ever escape the Remembrance of it . Should I talk to Mads?
I love how she totally freaked about the hickeys. I didn't even notice them or mine. But I don't care if people see them I want everyone to know we are together. That she's mine.
As we head to school, I decide I should tell her about the dreams.
'Mads, I've been have some really bad dreams, they've all been about my dad'
She cuts me off, stopping me and cupping my face.
'Brad, I knew you were having Bad dreams, why didn't you tell me? What happened is never going to happen again. He's out of your life and your safe now.'
I look into her eyes, they always made me feel safe. 'I know I should have told you but I didn't want to worry you. And I know, I just can't stop them'
She thinks for a moment. 'Are you still thinking about it frequently?
'Only since I told you about it and I found out Harry had hit you'
She looked down, she had guilt all over her face. She looks up 'Brad I'm sorry. It's my fault it's on your mind again. We will get through this. I will hold you every night until and after these dreams stop. I love you'
She pulls me in and kisses me intensely. ' I love you to' I mumble in my breath as we part before rejoining our lips.
*Nats' Pov*
Same routine as every other morning. Wake up, get Jessie up. Both get dressed, make breakfast for everyone. Take Jessie to school and walk back to my school. Urg I need a break and a rest. I love her but it's so much hard work.
As I was getting ready I got a text from Mads, asking me to bring in concealer. What is she trying to hide?
*Maddie's Pov*
As me and Brad walk into school, hand in hand. We see our group we head towards them, when we pass Hollie. She stops us.
'Already slept with him. Really? Your not hiding them marks at all'
I just look at her, I didn't care what she had to say. She meant nothing to me anymore. 'Hollie, I can't and I'm not putting up with your crap today or any day. Get over it we are together.'
We begin to walk away and I could see Brad smiling while biting his lip, he was itching to say something. 'Brad just say it' he looks to me for reassurance and I nod. That's when I see and hear him turn and say to Hollie in reply to her earlier comment
'Best Sex I've ever had.' Short bluntly and he quickly turns as we continue to walk. I try not to laugh. 'Sorry' he says.
'What for? That was brilliant' we both begin to laugh as we look back and she still stood there with her mouth wide open.
As we reach the group, I nod to Nat and we begin to walk to the toilets so I could cover these marks.
As we reach the toilets she had already noticed. 'I see you and Brad had some fun'
I couldn't help but giggle. 'You could say that, please help me cover them up. There's so many'
As I move my hair and the top of my shirt to show her, she gasps. 'Wow, he likes to bite and suck you, what did you two do?'
I laugh, it sounded so bad. 'Erm.... We got heated during our first time having sex'
She looked at me and let out a little scream 'omg! Yay. How was it? I want all details'
I laugh at her excitement 'it hurt, but it was just like I wanted'
She nodded in agreement 'yeah it hurts the first time'
We continued standing there covering them up, it took like 10-15 minutes. I will have to get him back for this.
*Brad's Pov*
Once Nat and Mads left, the boys began to point out the hickey on my neck. They began fist bumping me and shouting 'owww'
I couldn't help but laugh. I looked to James who's silent 'mate where's Abbs?'
He looks up 'I'm not sure, we are really struggling Brad. I don't know if she will be able to get past this'
I was unsure of what to say. I hugged him 'speak to Mads, she's Abbs cousin, she may be able to help you speak to her'
I release the hug and we walk to class just before parting ways I hear 'thanks man' I just nod and smile. I felt so bad. Hollie was such a snake. And she's destroyed there relationship. It makes me angry.
* Lunchtime *
*Maddie's Pov*
As I walk into the lunch hall I see Brad sat talking to James, who looked really down. Nat and Tris were sat being all lovey dovey. Con was sat opposite Brad facing me, calling me over. There was no sign of Abby. I walk over and sit down next to Con. As I sit down I hear him whisper 'might wanna bring your hair over your right shoulder. Makeup rubbing off'
I quickly glance down, I feel my face going red. I pull my hair down, and bury my face into Con. 'Thank you'
Brad looks over and laughs as he could tell I was embarrassed. I look up, kneeing him under the table 'don't laugh at me' he continues to laugh and his laugh soon caught on.
I look to James he looks upset, it looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how.'James, wanna talk?'
He stands up and nods for me to join him. I walk around the table and kiss Brad quickly before running off with James.
'So what's wrong? And where's Abbs?'
He sighs 'we are not good Mads, since we came back to school, she doesn't want to be around me. She can't stand seeing Hollie around the premises. I'm losing her and I don't know what to do'
If I'm honest I was still angry at James for cheating, I know I didn't know them then but Abbs is my cousin and the thought of the person she loves cheating on her. And I saw Abby's heart break right in front of me. No wonder she's angry
'James what you did wasn't cool'
He interrupts me 'I know that. I don't need you telling me'
I stop and look at him, my eyebrow raised. 'Did you really just shout at me? If you had let me finish you would have known that I was going to say what you did wasn't cool but I will speak to Abby and see if there's anything that can be done'
He looks down, grabs hold of me in a tight squeeze. 'Im sorry Mads. I just love her so much. Thank you'
I return the hug for a while before saying 'I will go find her'
I knew she would go somewhere that would be quiet and away from bumping into anyone. Library. I headed towards the library trying to remember where it was. As I walk in I see her, I sit down beside her and begin to smile. She instantly starts crying, she chucks her arms around me and hides her face in my shoulder and neck. I hug her back. 'Aw Abbs, I'm here'
Meanwhile back in the lunch hall....
*James Pov*
I took a slow walk back to the lunch hall and sat down. Everyone was teasing Brad about his hickey. It was so funny. It managed to cheer me up.
'So Brad was the hickey before or after you to got down and dirty?' Tristan quickly blurts out
Brad laughs, never replying, you could see his face beginning to go red.
*Maddie's Pov*
When Abby moves away form the hold. I could see her mascara all down her face. 'Come on let's go to the toilets and sort your make up. Then we could have a proper little chat'
She nods and we walk to the toilet.
As we cleaned Abby's make up , we could hear Hollie walking towards the toilet. Abby pulls me into the cubicle. 'I can't see her. I can't' she whispers as Hollie enters.
We began to listen to her conversation with Emma.
'Hollie. Have you seen Abby? She looks so sad'
'Yeah I know, I feel so guilty'
We begin to peep through the gap in the door as they continue.
'Why don't you tell her the truth?'
We both look to each other, we knew the truth. Didn't we? We look back through the gap as they continue.
'What do I say? Hey so you know you thought me and James slept together. Well we didn't. We bumped into each other, he was upset about you and I got him very drunk. We went back to mine. I tried to seduce him but it didn't work. He just went to sleep. So I undressed him and myself, got in bed so he would think we did'
Abbs stormed out of the cubicle before I could do anything. I storm out with her. We were both furious. Hollie and Emma turn to face us, both shocked and unsure of what to say.
'Oh do continue Hollie, I want to know why' Abby shouts as she steps so she is inches away from Hollie.
'Abby.... Erm okay so the truth. I done it so I would have something to hold over him. But he never slept with me or even kiss me and believe me I tried all night. All he wanted was you. He couldn't remember anything because of how much drink I gave him, so he just believed what he saw and what I told him. I'm sorry'
'Your sorry. Your sorry. Do you realise what you have done? Me and James relationship is in tatters. Because you lied, your a conniving, evil, lying bitch, who thinks she can do what she wants, well you can't. Your disgusting. If you come near me, my friends or my man. I will make you regret it'
Abby shouted, as her hands went into fists. She stepped towards Hollie, scaring her. I thought Abby was going to hit her, so I put my hand onto Abby's shoulder. Pulling her away. She didn't need anymore trouble.
'Abbs, let's go'
We begin to walk out when Hollie grabs hold of my arm 'thank you'
I laugh at her 'don't thank me, I could have happily let her carry on. But she doesn't need the hassle. Now stay away from us. And Emma I would get away before she messes with your life'
I pull my arm away as we walk out. As we exited the toilet the bell goes. It was time for our next lesson 'I need to find James'
'Abbs, go to lesson and meet us all at the front of the school. Speak to him then'
We agree and walk to class.
As I walk I bump into Brad. He could see I was angry. He stops me and holds my waist. ' Mads what is it?'
'Brad! I'm so angry. It's Hollie she's destroyed Abbs and James . And they didn't even sleep together'
His jaw drops 'what!'
'She made it up, I will explain later. Don't say anything to James , Abby wants to tell him. Love you. See you later'
I quickly kiss him and walk to class.
On the way all I could think about was how I wanted to get away, I hated it here. The school, my mum always working not caring. How everyone keeps getting hurt. I needed a break.
*Abby's Pov*
The last bell goes. Yes. I can't wait to see James. It's like everything was fine. I admit I was really struggling to get over it but that doesn't matter now. I walk out and I see Brad and Mads, Tris and Nat, Con and then James. He's stood facing towards me, he looks up and I smile. He returns the smile confused.
I run to him, he holds his arms wide open. As I get to him I jump, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He holds me. Looking into my eyes, before he could say anything I kiss him. After a while he let's me down, 'I love you James'
He looks confused. I hear Mads behind me 'Abbs are you going to tell him?'
He looks up to Mads and then back to me. 'So are you going to tell me what's going on?'
'Okay. When Mads came and spoke to me, we went to the toilets and Hollie came in, they began to talk about you and her'
His eyes begin to widen. 'Well we heard her say, she lied. You two never slept together. She got you drunk and tried it on with you but you refused and passed out. She undressed you and her self before getting in bed with you and claiming to have slept with you. She wanted to have something over you'
He becomes angry at the fact of being told he had cheated when the truth was, he never even touched her. 'What?! What kind of person does that'
I try to distract from being angry. I wrap my arms back around his neck and pull him into a kiss which he was more then happy to return. Our whole group begin to walk home to con's.
When James sees Hollie. He walks over to her still holding my hand.
'Your sick you know that?! I can't even look at you. Seriously what's wrong with you?'
He walks away before she could reply.
*Maddie's Pov*
I was so happy to see Abby and James back together and happy. It's like they just forgot about it. We all walk to Con's on the way having a conversation about leaving.
Abby begins 'you know, I really want to just run away'
We all look at her, none of us was shocked as we all felt the same.
'Yeah my mum doesn't care, she works all the time. She wouldn't even notice' I add
'Well my parents aren't even in the same city as me. I really need to get away from everything' Nat continues
We look to the boys who had said nothing until
'I'd follow you anywhere Mads' Brad states as he winks to me, squeezing my hand.
'Well Nat you need me as we have to care for Jessie. We couldn't leave her behind'
James agrees also 'yeah id be up for it'
We all smile as we were all serious. 'Where would we go?' Con adds
I quickly perk up 'America, we could fly there and then drive through it'
'That would be awesome' Brad shouts, becoming excited.
We all look to the floor before James points the reality out 'but how? We have no money'
We sigh, as we reach Con's . We sit down on the sofas. When I reply 'can we make a deal that one day we will go there'
We stand up and all bump our fists together while shouting 'one day, we will go'
Please read this! It's important
Okay so that's the last chapter! I want to take this time to thank everyone who has read this and to also annoy you with some requests. Please can you all vote, share and comment. As there will be a squeal to this, I need to know what you guys would like in it or not like. What do you think should happen next? And if you have any names of what to call the second story then please comment as I'm unsure if I should have a new name or not.
Okay so the response to this story has been incredible so thank you so much, I would really love it if you could carry on supporting me by sharing and voting. Also tell me what you liked and didn't like.
I will reply!!!
I also need to give a very special thanks to a few people who has helped and supported me amazingly while writing this theses people are:
The lovely beautiful Nat @OneDSecsOfNat
Lena (who Abby is based on) who's really supported me @WileHeartBCJT
And then Emily @Emily4wisker and Molly @mollylittlevamp who has given be ideas, helped and supported me by sharing and rt'ing
And the amazing imagine account which is incredible @_TVImagines (these are all there twitter names by the way)
And I hope you like this chapter/ending and will rejoin me for the next story. That will be coming soon hopefully! Please feel free to contact me on twitter @maddiehornn or comment on the story or post on my wattpad wall, I promise to reply!!! And if you have any stories you would like me to share I will also do that.
So yeah..... See you soon xxxx

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