Shout about it

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*Maddie's Pov*
I wake up at 8:30. No. Why didn't my alarm go off? I was late. Jessie needed to be at school in ten minutes. I jumped out of bed and run to where she was sleeping. As I enter, I see that her bed is empty and made. I panic and run down stairs 'Brad, Brad. Where are you? We are going to be late' as I run into the kitchen he's sat there laughing with Jessie.
'Your finally up then?' He smiles
'Why didn't you wake me? We will be late'
'You looked so peaceful. No we won't, I will take her and then come back for you. Then we go to Cons okay?'
I walk over to where he's sat 'okay' I kiss him, then walk to Jessie 'you going have a fun day at school' I say as I pick her up. She nods and smiles. 'You going to work really hard for us, remember your babysitter will pick you up today and then you will come and stay here again. Won't that be fun'
'Yay. It's like a sleepover aunty Maddie, can we build a fort'
'Of course sweetly, now go with uncle Brad and have a great day'
I put her down and she runs to grab Brads hand. 'See you in a bit, love you'
As he walked out the door, I could imagine having a family with him one day. It would be so perfect.
I run up stairs and I sit on the bed, before I know it I've gone into a deep sleep.
*Nat's Pov*
When I wake we are still laid in the same position, I turn and look at him, he's awake watching me sleep. I lean over and kiss him, he begins to smile.
'We got to get to school'
Tris laughs and holds me tighter 'nope we are staying here today, together'
'But Tris' he interrupts me with a kiss.
He leans over and he's now laid on top of me. I look to him and say 'this is when I'm happiest' he smiles and continues to kiss my lips, my neck, he continues to go down my body. He pulls my top off, I'm now laid with just my lacy underwear on. He looks down at me, I smile as I pull down his boxers. He begins to smirk. Things escalated quickly, we began to have passionate and amazing sex. He kisses and bites my neck leaving a mark, as we finish he lays beside me and says 'perfect start to a new day'
I roll over so I lay my head on his chest. We stay like this for hours more. I couldn't believe we had just taken the day off because we wanted, it felt great.
At about 12, mid- day Tris gets up and gets dressed 'I've just got a text from Con, he needs some help with something. I will try and be as quick as I can. Stay here, have some lunch and a bath and get dressed. Be back soon. Love you' with that he leaves, I decide to do exactly what he said, I started with food and went from there.
*Brad's Pov*
I walk Jessie to school and the whole way there I begin to think about Nat and what Mads is doing for her, to make her happy again. I am the luckiest person so have Mads in my life and to have the greatest friends that protect me like Nat did with Hollie. She suffered all that pain to keep our secrets. Just incredible.
I drop Jessie off and walk back to mine quickly, we needed to get to Cons in 10 minutes. As I walk in there was no sign of Mads. I walk upstairs and she's laid on the bed, curled up fast asleep. I walk over, lean over the top of her, I kiss her neck and then her lips. Waking her up 'Mads, you got 10 minutes to get ready'
She jumps up and asks what she should wear, as she jumps in the shower. I decide to pick her outfit.
I look through the wardrobe as she had started to bringing clothes over to mine, it was cute. I loved it. As I look through I see the perfect outfit. I just hope she likes it. I laid it out on the bed ready for when she jumped out the shower.
I went down stairs to wait for her, I knew if I saw her just as she out the shower I wouldn't be able to hold back the urge.
*Maddie's Pov*
I jump out the shower and I see some clothes laid on the bed. As I walk over I see a black tight fitted crop jumper and high waisted black jeans. It was perfect nice and casual, as what we had planned for Nat, the outfit was perfect.
I chuck the clothes on and head downstairs, as he looks up he smiles. 'Your actually wearing the clothes I picked out'
I look down and walk over, so that I am standing in between his separated legs. 'Of course, your choice was perfect, now let's go'
I kiss him and pull him up so that he's standing.
With that I reach into his back pocket and pull out his keys, I jangle them in front of him, he begins to smirk. I then run, out of the house and to the car, I feel him behind me, he grabs my waist and turns me around, so I'm facing him and he pushes me against the car. He laughs and says 'your not quite quick enough'
I frown and hand him back the keys 'fine let's go, we have lots to do'
In a short drive, we arrive at Cons and that's where my plan begins to become real.
'Hey Mads, you look.... Wow' Con begins to blush.
I walk over and hug him 'thanks Con'
I see Brad becoming jealous and he says 'yeah she does and she's all mine' pulling me in close. It annoyed me but it was cute to.
We were all wearing black, it was part of my plan. Tris wore his black leather shorts with a black baggy top. Con wore his famous black jeans and black top, the same as Brad but Brad had a leather jacket on. James wore a black tank top and black jeans, while Abby wore her black plain dress. We began to write a song, a song we wanted to let Nat know how special she really is to us. After about an hour it's done, we rehearse and then Tris states 'look I gotta go, Nat's going to wonder where I am but I will bring her back for 8 yeah?'
'Okay Tris see soon' Abbs replies as the rest of us were busy decorating the garage, we were putting our mic stands up and all the instruments set up, it was a slow song that really only needed one guitar but we added some drums and other parts in it so all the boys could play. Brad added a bit of piano to, I didn't know he could play piano.
By half three everything is already done and ready for when Nat arrives, I decide I would go pick Jessie up instead of her baby sitter because that way her babysitter can have her longer later on. As Nat wasn't arriving until 8. 'Brad, I'm going to get Jessie, Cook her some dinner and get the babysitter to come after that'
'But mads the babysitter is picking her up'
'Im just going to call her'
'Okay I will come with'
I smile, he puts down his guitar and we walk to the school. On the way I call Julia the baby sitter 'hi Julia, it's Maddie. I'm going to pick Jessie up and cook her dinner but would it be okay for you to still have her but have her longer? I will be back by 10'
'Okay Maddie that's fine, I will get to yours for 6. See you then'
As I finish the call we arrive at the school, she comes running out so happy and excited. We walk back to Brad's and I begin to cook Brad's favourite dinner. When I place the plate down in front of him he gives the widest smile, 'oh my god! Thank you Mads. I love you'
I laugh as he begins to eat.
*Nat's Pov*
I eat my food, jump in the bath and get dressed. I am finally feeling free, happy. Don't get me wrong I still feel the stress but knowing Tris is supporting me, it helps. Speaking of Tris, where is he? He's been gone for a while.
It's been an hour since he left, with that he walks in. 'Hey Nat, I'm back'
'Trissy' I run to him, happy to see him.
He holds me tightly and says 'I'm taking you out tonight but it's a surprise, all I'm going to say is you have to wear your red dress'
I look to him suspicious, but agree to follow his instructions. For the rest of the after noon we laid about the house, watching TV, films, playing games and talking. It felt perfect and just so right.
*Maddie's Pov*
I sit doing Jessie's home work with her until Julia the babysitter turns up , 'hi Julia, so I'm going to be out from now until 10, if you could just get Jessie to have a bath , and put her to bed, then you can just watch TV, till we get back. She's had dinner and I've done her home work with her. Okay?'
'Okay, no problem Maddie. Hope you two have a great night'
'Thanks Julia. See you later'
I grab mine and Brad's leather jacket and we walk out together. Jump in the car and head to Connor's. As we get out we see Con, Abby and James. Con and James running through the song we had written, we decided to do a few more practices of the song. And then waited , waited for the text from Tris to say he was bringing Nat.
At exactly 7:50 we get a text from Tris
'Mads, on out way.
Be there soon
It was a go!
*Nat's Pov*
I go and get changed into my red dress, it was 3/4 length sleeve and was short and floaty. As I walk into the living room, Tris is stood waiting for me in all black. 'You ready for your surprise?'
I giggle 'yeah I think so'.
We begin to walk and after so long he blind folds me, he leads me down the road. Suddenly we come to a stop and he turns me to face a certain way. As I'm stood there I become so nervous. He whispers 'when you hear a guitar take the blind fold off and walk straight. I love you baby'
I was so confused. I heard him
run down the path, I could hear him running on what sounded like pebbles. With that I hear the guitar playing, I reach up and undo the blind fold that was tied around my eyes, as I untie it, I see Con's house. It was so beautiful.
As I looked I saw lights and lanterns tied along the pathway, to light it up beautifully. As I walk down I begin to hear singing, the lyrics went
If you want words to put your mind at rest tonight,
Come shout about it.
We can talk for a hundred miles and drive
Where you're less surrounded.
Cause I can see that the candle you hold inside
Has a cloud around it.
How can a heart like yours be that high and dry
When it burns the brightest.
I could feel my eyes tear up, I continue to walk down the path way as the song continues
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you,
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
I wanna shout about it,
Oh, I wanna shout about it.
I was listening to every single word of the song. I couldn't help but look around, it was so beautiful, how the lights shone. I walked into the garage, I see fairy lights hanging down from the ceiling, I looked and I see everyone. Tris on the drums with fairy lights hanging over them. James and Con stood playing guitar with fairy lights wrapped around the edge of then. Then Maddie and Brad they stood at the mic, the fairy lights wrapped around the mic's and the mic stand, Brad was singing at the moment. I looked to them and smiled as Maddie took over signing
Beneath the window and the water that's in your eyes
That's where I know you're hiding.
There's a smile that could light up a thousand lives
And you need reminding.
Tell me your fears, don't let 'em live a life alone
Let me share the burden.
Cause here beside you there's a man (she looks and points over to Tris, I follow her gaze and smile widely, as she continues to sing the beautiful song). you better know know know
Who you can confide in.
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you,
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
I wanna shout about it,
Oh, I wanna shout about it.
Abby walks over, takes my hand, she takes me to the seat for me to sit, as I sit down she whispers 'we love you Nat' she slides this beautiful silver bracelet over my hand and onto my wrist as I look to it I see it reads 'Love Life and Be Brave For We All Love You Nat'
I begin to cry. They were all so amazing, they done all this for me.
With that Tris walks over to me, takes my hand, pulls me up so I am now standing. He wraps his arms around me and we begin to dance to the song as Brad and Maddie begin to sing together
I'm not saying, all I do
Will make everything you touch turn to gold
I'm just waiting to pull you through
I'll take a little off the load
Yeah, any reason I get to be close to you.
Wanna shout about it.
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
No, I'm gonna shout about it,
Oh, I wanna shout the loudest.
For the end of the song Tris looked deep into my eyes. The song ends, and I am stood for a while with Tris still holding me, I'm in shock. They've done so much for me, and now this surprise.
I look to the others as they are putting down the guitar and they begin to walk over. Mad's is first, she holds her arms out and holds me tightly, we were soon joined by Brad, then Con, then Abby and then James and Tris. It was a massive group hug. I look to them all before saying
'guys..... I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. Your.... Your all so incredible. How did I get so lucky to have friends like you?! You done all of this for me, it's so beautiful, the song you just sang every word means so much to me. How can I ever thank you'
Maddie takes the lead and begins to say 'Nat, we love you and after we saw how much you were hurting, well we thought it was time we showed you just how much you really mean to us. So yeah we redecorated Con's garage in these lights to show you there is always light, always beauty in places you might never realise. We all wore black and had you wear red to show you that you bring the colour to our lives, you bring us happiness and without your happiness we can't survive the day. We got you the bracelet to remind you that your loved and cared for by so many, and that you can be strong , you just need to keep smiling. And the song, well we wrote that for you, to show you that we are all hear to listen, to hear you shout about what is hurting you, because we see that your hurting, we see the pain your in and we want to take it away. We want to see that smile of yours once again, the smile that makes us all smile, that lights up the room. So please will you let us?'
What could I say back to that, it was beautiful. I feel the tears begin to fall down my face, I was so overwhelmed and happy. I nod 'I will let you'
Everyone smiles and then Brad says 'good, we can help you and I'm so glad that Mads spoke first, there's no way any of us could top that. Like where do you get that stuff Mads, your words were incredible'
We all laugh, he was right, she always knows exactly what to say. For the rest of the evening they continued to play all the songs I loved, me, mads and Abbs danced out hearts out while the boys sang theirs. It was the best night ever.
After a while Mads walks over 'Nat, me and Brad got to go. It's getting late and we have to let the babysitter go. We're already half hour late. I will take Jessie to school tomorrow and pick her up, after that I will bring her home. If that's okay?'
I smile as I reply 'thank you so much Maddie. I can never repay what you've done for me in the shortest amount of time we've known each other. Your my best friend, no your my sister now. I love you Mads. I look forward to seeing Jessie tomorrow. Thank you'
I pull her in for a hug and hold her tightly as she whispers 'you never have to repay me. Me seeing you happy, smile and having you in my life is more then enough of repayment. I love you to Nat'
We release the hug and she walks out with Brad, who also hugged me on his way out.
I smile to Tris who stands from behind his drum kit and begins to walk over to me. He wraps his arms around me while saying 'I hope this is everything you need, to know how much we love you'
'Tris it's been so much more. Thank you so much! I'm happy. I'm really happy, can we go home so we can cuddle all night'
He agrees and we say good night to the others, they all hug me tightly as I leave. We begin to walk home and finally we are there, I open the door and he carries me in to the house in the bridal style. It was just so cute. As he carried me into the house, I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled in, within seconds I had fallen asleep.
*Maddie's Pov*
When we finally get home it's 10:40. We open the door and Julia is still watching TV.
'Hi Julia, we are home and I am so sorry that we are late, the occasion went on longer then expected, we I'll pay you more for the time'
I get out £50, we normally only pay 30 pound but we changed time and we were so late, we hand it to her and she replies as she takes the money 'oh it's no problem, you didn't have to pay me more. But I appreciate it thank you! See you soon. Jessie is asleep she has been absolutely fine'
I close the door behind her and I turn to Brad. He's sat on the edge if the sofa looking at me, smiling. 'What?'
I ask him as I lock the door.
'Mads, you know you've been staying here a lot and I love having you around, do you want to come move in?'
I'm in complete shock. I walk to him
'Seriously?!' He becomes nervous, this was the first time I had seen him become nervous and I loved it.
'Yeah why not? (He begins to stutter) I love you and love having you here when I wake up and go to sleep. I want you to live with me'
I look at him for a while, while he waits for a reply.
'Okay, but first I want to know everything about you'
He agrees 'okay but not tonight I'm so tired' I laugh and take his hand to the bedroom. Lets go to sleep then'
We get in bed, I begin to shiver as I'm so cold. He wraps his arms around me, keeping me warm with his body, our legs entwined, his arms wrapped around, holding me tightly, as he kisses my neck. ' What you did tonight was amazing, your incredible, you know that?' I giggle
'See you in the morning beautiful'
With that I fall to sleep, so happy.

Please please please share my story, vote and please comment. The comments give me the motivation to do the next chapter. I would really love it for you all to comment what you think should or will happen next? If there's anything you want to know about me or my story and the up coming stories then please feel few to tweet me or dm me of I follow you @maddiehornn
Thank you for all the support!

Love twistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora