The weekend part 3

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*Maddie's Pov*
I wake up and I'm on the sofa, I must have fallen asleep. I get up and my hair is all curly and messy where I hadn't dried it. I go to the spare room to check for Jessie and she isn't there. I walk to Harry's room and he's not there either. Panic runs through my body. I begin to run around the house looking from them. I try to call Harry but he's left his phone. Where could they be. Nat texts me, she's on her way. Oh my god. What am I going to do? Where could they be?
*knock knock knock*
I run to the door, knowing it's Nat, how can I say I've lost your sister. What do I do? I open the door.
'Hey Nat' I have my hair up, as I was so worried about Jessie I forgot about the bruise. She looks at my face and says
'What the hell happened to your face Mads?'
I put my hand up covering my face and I look at them both. Worry comes over Tris' face and he begins to question me to 'who done that to you?'
' I just fell'
'You fell, Mads that's a bruise shaped like a back of a hand and I'm sure I can see a ring outline'
I had nothing to say, I look down and said 'I fell' I just kept repeating it.
They go to say something more but they are interrupted by Harry pulling into the drive. He opens the passenger door to reveal Jessie. A sigh of relive leaves my mouth. 'Here she is I say'
She runs to Nat and Tris 'Natty, we went to feed the duckies at the pond'
'Aw that sounds fun, what do you say to Mads for having you'
She runs and hugs me and shouts 'thank you aunty Maddie' I couldn't help but smile. Tris and Nat turn and begin to walk away, before leaving Nat turns and says 'this conversation is not over' she looks at me and then to Harry who is playing with his ring, she frowns and I just smile and say 'bye'
I quickly go inside and shut the door. Harry begins to question me but I couldn't hear him over the worrying of what I would say to her. How do I explain the bruise? I slid down the door and Harry kneels down beside me, be begins to shake me, but there was no breaking the trance I was in.
*Nat's Pov*
I wake to the same position that we fell asleep in. I look up at him still sleeping. 'I could get used to this' he smiles and replies 'me to'
I jump up and sit on top of him, I lean over and begin to kiss him. He instantly awakens fully. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I smile and begin to play with his hair. I grab his hands and pull them above his head and whisper 'your mine'. He looks at me and smiles. I give him a final kiss and get up, I head to the shower , I jump in and stand there for a moment. I see Tris at the door, he proceeds to walk in and strip off, he joins me in the shower and I place my arms around his neck. I've never been so happy then I was in that moment.
After a morning of messing around we get dressed and head to pick Jessie up. While there we see the bruise. There's no way she fell. She lied to me. she was hit but from who? I couldn't help but notice Harry's ring, but would he do that to her? She can't get away from me at school, and she knows I won't leave it alone. On the way back we bump into James and Abby. We speak to them about our concerns about Mads. I look at James as we tell him and he looks down. He knows something. I question him and it wasn't long until he said
'At the party me and Abby came up with the idea to lock Mads and Brad in the garden so they could talk'
'What?! (If Hollie saw them, they could have ruined everything) why?!'
'Well we wanted them to be okay, Abbs took Mads to the Garden and then locked the door. While I distracted Harry, we gave him a lot of alcohol and told him Mads was in the garden with Brad, he became very angry'
'Oh my god, James it was all of our fault, what if Harry hit her' Abby becomes upset.
'What happened next James? Your an idiot sometimes you know that right' Tris becomes annoyed
'Okay, I know. Well he couldn't even stand, so Mads had to go and ask Brad for a lift home, that's all I saw, Brad came in and carried Harry out and I guess he drove them home'
'So we need to speak to Brad' I was so angry, I walked away from James and Abby, how could they do that. Tris didn't understand why I was so angry, but he didn't know, none of them knew.
*James/Abby Pov*
What have we done? That bruise on Mads face is all of our fault. We shouldn't have got involved. We're idiots. She's our friend we are meant to support her in what she wants not go against her and try to break her and Harry up. We are crap friends
*Brad's Pov*
I wake up and it's a bright Sunday. I couldn't stop thinking about how I could make it up to Mads. Try and get her to be okay with me again. I miss her, I miss her smile. Her warm eyes, her laugh, her lips, his kiss. I miss her.
There's a loud knock at the door
*knock knock*
I walk towards the door and open it to see Hollie, ah great what does she want. I can't handle her crap today. She smiles sweetly and walks in. I ask 'what you doing here?'
I had every intention of telling her it was over when she turned around but she walked over, grabbed my face and began to kiss me. I couldn't stop her. She pulled me towards the bedroom, pushed me to the bed and shut the door. I try again 'Hollie, we need to'
I'm cut off by her kiss. Before I could say anything she's striped off and was on top of me. We are having sex and I didn't want to stop.
After a while, we are done. She gets up, gets dressed and leaves. I begin to think, there was no spark, just sex. Just plain old sex. Nothing exciting, nothing special. I wanted special.
In that moment I knew, I didn't want Hollie, I never did.
School tomorrow and I am going to speak to Maddie, I'm going to make her listen to me.
*Maddie's Pov*
After hours of silence I finally speak. I stand up and walk to Harry who is stood in the kitchen. 'How will I explain this?' He replies 'you said to forget it, I have and so should you'
Thanks for the help. I stand there still with unbrushed hair, he turns and walks towards me. He places his hand under my chin to lift my head up so I was now looking into his eyes. I felt nothing, I didn't even feel safe around him anymore. He leans down and kisses me, I begin to pull away when he slid his hand to the back of my neck, preventing me from pulling away, he says 'show me you love me, kiss me'
I thought by kissing him, I would forget. So I leaned in and began to kiss him. He picked me up and sat me on the work top of the kitchen side. I wrapped my legs around him and he began to kiss my neck, I couldn't help myself, I pulled his top off and undone his trousers. He began to pull at the bottom of my top but I stopped him. He looks at me confused and said 'come on, let's just do this, I've waited so long'
I look at him and to avoid the conversation carried on kissing him. I was trying to think of how I could stop it without upsetting him. I look at him and say 'not here, upstairs' he was to happy at my consent to question it. We began to walk up stairs, he kept grabbing at my legs and waist, with that he grabs my leg, I fall into the stairs, hitting my face, he doesn't realise and continues to flips me over. I could feel this pain down the side of my face. 'Sorry I didn't mean to do that'
I look at him as he says it but I don't believe him. But why would he want to keep hurting me. I tell him to help me up and that nothing is going to happen, I go to the room and go to sleep. I feel him enter the room and lie beside me, he wraps his arm around me pulling me into a tight grip, one I couldn't move from.

Please please please share my story, vote and please comment. The comments give me the motivation to do the next chapter. I would really love it for you all to comment what you think should or will happen next? If there's anything you want to know about me or my story and the up coming stories then please feel few to tweet me or dm me of I follow you @maddiehornn
Thank you for all the support!

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