The hurt and The kiss

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*Nat's Pov*
I wake to more shouting and screaming. My sister is still sleeping, so I get up and get dressed, I then go and iron my sisters uniform and wake her up to get her ready for school, it's no different from any other day, I wake her up, get her dressed, make her breakfast take her to school, give her lunch, make her dinner, help her with her homework and put her to bed. The only thing mum does is pick her up from school, I might as well be her mum I'm the one that cares for her, not them. I walk down stairs to make Jessie some breakfast and packed lunch, I'm interrupted by my parents asking to speak to me, I tell my sister to sit in the kitchen and eat her breakfast, then I enter the living room, where they are waiting for me. I ask 'what's wrong? I have to get Jessie to school'
Mum: sit down Nathalie, we need to talk about something
'What is it?' I say as I sit down
Dad: 'this isn't going to be easy, but me and your mother are going to separate'
I wasn't sure what to say, I mean I knew it was going to happen, but so soon, they haven't even tried to work it out. I just stared at them. My mum continued with
'I know it will be hard for you, but I am moving back to Australia, you can visit at Christmas and summer holidays, you and your sister will stay here with your dad. Okay?'
Really. Australia, you couldn't get anything further away from us. I was so angry, I'm going to have even more responsibility then I already do. I just wanted to scream but instead I just smiled and say 'okay, we will manage, now I have to take Jessie to school'
I stand up and call for Jessie, she comes running, grabs my hand and I walk out the door. On the way to school I explain how her mummy is going to be going on holiday for a while. Jessie just said 'as long as you don't go Natty'
Ah I hated her calling me that but I had nothing else I could say, I just held to her hand even tighter.
I needed Jessie more than she needed me. How will I manage?
*Maddie's Pov'
I wake to my phone ringing, I search my bed for it and eventfully find it. With one eye open I look who it is, oh it's Brad. I wonder what he wants, so I clear my throat and answer
'Hey new girl'
'Whats wrong?'
'Nothing, but do you remember what I said to you yesterday?'
'That we need to talk? Yeah I remember'
'Okay good, well I'm outside your house waiting, thought we could walk to school and have that talk'
'Okay, see you in a bit'
I hear him laugh
'Your not even dressed are you Maddie'
'How'd you know, I won't be long promise'
'Cool bye'
How did he even know where I lived? Weird! Okay so I gotta be quick. It's a sunny day, so what do I wear, got it. I chuck on my favourite white short summer dress, with a thin brown belt, to finish of the look I put my denim jacket and my black buckle boots on. I ran downstairs, telling my mum on the way out that I don't need a lift.
As I walked out the door, he was stood there smiling , he simply wore his doc martins, with the normal black jeans and a white top but yet he looked like perfection. He removed his sunglasses as I got closer and winked.
So I asked 'what did I do to get the pleasure of your company this early in the morning'
'Looking like that, you will continue to get the pleasure of me walking you to school, keep up the good work'
I laugh and push him. He laughed to.
Things went silent, so I filled it with
'What is it Brad? What do you want to know?'
I see him smile and then take a deep breath
'Okay, what happened with that lad Harry?'
I sigh and reply 'it just didn't work out'
'Are you getting back with him?'
'Trying not to, Brad can we talk about something else'
He places his arm around my lower back and I stop, I turn to face him, with his hands on my waist, he smiles and leans towards me. I'm not sure what to do so move slightly back. But I couldn't resist his soft lips anymore. He places his fingers under my chin and lift my head, so that I am looking directly into his eyes. He smiles again and I couldn't resist the urge. He leans down and his lips touch mine, it gave me butterflies and it just felt so right. Before I knew it we was in a passionate kiss. After so long I pulled away, smiled and said 'school... We gotta get to school'
With his hand still placed on my waist he says 'okay let's go then'
We continue to walk for a moment in silence before he tripped on a loose pavement slab, it was so funny, how he tried to walk it off.
We got to school and I see Con stood at the entrance I smile and we all walk in together, the first 4 lessons I had was with Brad and I couldn't stop looking at him and smiling all day. Last lesson was P.E, all girl group so I was able to see Nat and have a gossip. But something was wrong, she seemed to be upset and she was wearing long sleeves, but just the other day she said how much she hated wearing long sleeves. Somethings wrong but I don't know what.
I couldn't concentrate I had so much on my mind, the kiss and then Harry and how I am meant to be going out with him tonight, but I don't want to. What should I do?
*Brad's Pov*
When I saw Maddie walk out of her house, I didn't quite know what to do, she looked stunning, beautiful and happy. She had a proper summer outfit on, she walked towards me and I could already feel my heart pounding out of my chest. We continue to walk down the road towards to school talking laughing, then I mentioned Harry, she went quiet and quickly changed the topic of conversation. I didn't mind, I didn't want to hear detail just if she was going back to him or not. She said she's not. That made me happy. I placed my hand on her lower back and she stopped, I tried to kiss her and I think she freaked and move back, so I smiled and she gave in. It was like nothing I had ever experienced, my heart begun to pound and I wanted to stay there for ever. But we have school so we walked to school and went to our classes, all day I thought about that kiss and what it meant. It was incredible.
*ding ding ding*
*Maddie's Pov*
Ah the end of school, I had completely forgotten all about Harry, so when I walked out and saw him there it came as a shock. He walks over and says
'Ready to go babe'
I sigh and reply 'I'm not your babe, I'm not your anything, I don't want to go with you anywhere'
I see Brad walk out and I watch him, he turns and see me and begins to smile before he realises who I was stood with, he seems to look a mixture of angry and worried. He turns and walks away with the occasional look back
Harry then becomes angry and says 'how can you chuck away what we have, your coming out with me right now'
I look and try to walk past, he grabs my arm and begins to pull me towards his pick-up truck. Once we reach the truck he opens the door and tells me to get in, I refuse and he pushes me into the truck, I could see Nat and Tris walking out of school, it's my 3rd day I don't need a scene. I get in the truck and duck so no one can see me.
*Brad's Pov*
When Nat and Tris came to Connor's I was hoping to see Maddie with them, but no. I stood up and said 'where's Maddie?'
Nat: 'she not here with you?'
Brad: 'no, last time I saw her she was with Harry'
Tris: 'told you it was him'
Nat: 'well don't worry, maybe they are getting back together'
*Maddie's Pov'
'Where are we going?'
'Its a surprise'
So we just sit in silence for the rest of the ride. We approach the top of the hill, where you can see the for miles; the view was really incredible. I looked at Harry and he was smiling at me, I just sat there and said 'what do you want Harry?'
'I want you, I want another chance, that's all'
'But I can't'
'Why? Don't tell me it's that lad, you know he has a girlfriend right'
'Don't lie, it's been nice and all but please just take me home'
I can't believe Harry, why would he say that Brad has a girlfriend, when he doesn't, does he? After asking to go home Harry gets the message and begins to drive, half way through the drive I ask him to take me to Connor's, saying it was Nat's. When we arrived I got out the truck, before shutting the door harry said 'please just think about us, I won't give up'
I shut the door and watch him drive away, maybe he isn't so bad.
*Brad's Pov*
Sat with the guys mucking about, playing our guitars, Tris rocking it on the drums. He's an animal when playing the drums, what a life. We all decided to start writing songs, so I guess we are a sorta band. While sat there I hear the garage door go up, we all look to see who it is and I see Hollie. What the hell. My heart just sunk, she's meant to be on holiday, why is she here.
I look at Con and he looks angry, he's normally the one to speak to Hollie, why is he being like that, something must have happened, but what? She walks over and sits down beside me.
I ask 'what are you doing here? Your meant I be in Madrid'
She stutters when replying 'yeah.... The flight was canceled, so we didn't go'
Con laughs and says under his breath 'yeah right'
We continue to talk, but all that was going through my head was Maddie, need to tell her, what do I do?
Hollie begins to do what she does best and bitch. Her choice of conversation was once again Maddie, she begins by saying
'So how's the lessons been with that new girl'
Abby replied quickly: 'they have been great, she's lovely'
Hollie: ' lovely in a way only her mother could love her, *she begins to laugh* come on. She's just annoying, stuck up ugly bitch! Who could like her. I saw her in the corridor on her first day and she bumped into me, how rude is that. Does she not realise who I am. Everyone will hate her, trust me. And her horrible fashion sense, I can't even explain how much of a lame loser she is'
Before any one could say anything.....
*Maddie's Pov*
So I head up the driveway and see the garage door open, everyone is there and I was happy and then I see someone I didn't recognise, she was sat with Brad rubbing his shoulders. Who the hell is that.
I stand there and hear this girl talk about me saying what a loser, how I'm stuck up and what a bitch I am. It made me feel like crap, I became so sad. I thought I had got away from the bullies and hate and it appears I've walked straight back into it. Every word hurt more then the last. I expect she would have carried on if Abby didn't see me standing there.
Abby: oh Maddie, there you are
Everyone looks up at me , Brad and Con jump out of their seats to walk towards me. And then the girl continues to say 'your Maddie, the loser. *laughs* what's up with you face, looks like you seen a ghost! Hello anyone in there, you going to keep ignoring me or you going to open that mouth, why don't you start by saying hi Hollie I'm sorry for being a complete loser'
In that moment so many words and actions went through my head. Do I hit her, push her, pull her hair, shout at her, have a quick come back. No. I stood there and said 'yep that's me and now I'm going, I'm not dealing with this right now'
Con and Nat went to say something but Hollie cut them off by saying 'well cya babe'
I turn and begin to walk away when I hear Brad and he wasn't his normal calm, chill, charming and funny self. He sounded angry. He said 'Hollie what is your problem? Why would you speak to someone you don't even know like that? Maddie wait, don't go'
By this point tears were racing down my race, I've never felt so worthless and victimised in all my life. I didn't want to stay so I acted like I didn't hear him and kept walking. I could just imagine everyones faces, they would have pity written all over them, I didn't want to see the pity and I didn't need it.
After walking a few roads, I feel someone grab me, I let out a scream and I see Brad.
'What are you doing?'
'Sorry... *heavy breathing* are you okay?' He said breathless
'Did you just chase me here? I'm fine, just go back to your lovely girlfriend that you neglected to tell me about'
'Maddie, I've only known you three days, what did you want me to say hi I'm brad and I have a mean girlfriend, yeah I chased you, what's wrong?'
'You should have told me about her! That's what's wrong, and for me to hear her bitch about me like that, no one saying anything, not even Con, he's known me all my life and he doesn't say anything to defend me. How can she hate me when she don't know me'
'Mads I was going to tell you, she's mean that's how she is, she hates everyone who's not ugly'
'You was going to tell me? Was this before or after you kissed me? I can't believe you, I don't even want to talk to you right now, I just need to get home. Don't follow me'
'I have nothing that can make this better, but please we can talk about this, we can sort this out. And please let me walk you home it's near 11pm, come on mads'
'Brad, we've known each other for a short amount of time and you've already managed to hurt me, I said no now leave me alone'
I carry on crying and he reaches to wipe away my tears, I pull away and begin to run home. All I could hear was him shout my name. I didn't wanna stop. I just wanted to get home. I hear someone I don't know bitching about me and no one stands up for me at all and then I find out that Brad has a girlfriend, I don't know why but that affected me the most. I begin to slow down, when I hear this car pull up alongside me, it's Harry.
'Mads, what's wrong? Get in let me take you home'
I jump in, I was so cold and tired. He wipes the tears from my face and ask the same question again. All I could say was 'you was right'.
And from that he knew, he knew what I was talking about, he began to drive me home, we sat in silence.
Finally I'm home. I'm safe. I left the door open, so Harry followed me in and to my room. I didn't care. I looked at Facebook, where Hollie has already posted about how lame I am, brilliant, that will make tomorrow fun. I begin to cry again and say 'this can't happen again, I can't get bullied again'
Harry cuddles me, kisses my forehead and says 'I got you through the bullying last time and I will get you through this, whether you want me as a friend or a boyfriend, I'm here to support you'
I pull away and look at him, he's just reminded me of why I was with him for so long, because of this side of him. I say 'the other side has to go, the jealousy, the anger and the controlling side, okay' he nods and we kiss, it felt familiar, it made me feel safe. I knew he wanted me. After the kiss I said I needed sleep so we laid down and went to sleep, I laid my head on his chest with his arms wrapped round holding me tightly. I could stay like this forever.
*Brad's Pov'
What have I done? Why did I do this? I need to end it with Hollie, but she won't answer my texts or phone calls, apparently when I left so did she. Ahh I can't believe I hurt Maddie. The way I saw her cry, her mascara running down her cheeks, she looked so hurt and sad, and I done that to her! It was all me. I'm an idiot. But I won't give up.
*Con's Pov*
Maddie heard all of it. Everything that mean cheating bitch said. And I didn't say a thing, not one thing. I should have! Why didn't I. I hope she's okay, she won't answer to me. But I will see her tomorrow the first thing I will do is hug her. Why didn't I say anything.

Please please please share my story, vote and please comment. The comments give me the motivation to do the next chapter. I would really love it for you all to comment what you think should or will happen next? If there's anything you want to know about me or my story and the up coming stories then please feel few to tweet me or dm me of I follow you @maddiehornn
Thank you for all the support!

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