it was at this point that i realized that he had been holding the keep doors shut button.

"i did. it's none of your business what i do." i said.

i moved to the other side of the elevator, knowing that he'd have to let go of the button in order to get to me.

he eventually let go, getting close to my face. before he could say anything, i noticed a boy in the hall.

"help." i gently mouthed out to the boys who's eyes had just met mine. it was just enough for the boy to understand me. i knew self defense but when it came to this man, i didn't want to anger him further.

the boy had rushed onto the elevator, slamming mathew up against the wall.

"what the fuck man? she said to get off of her." the boy who helped me spit at mathew. "cmon." the boy motioned to me, getting me off of the elevator.

"are you okay? did he hurt you?" the boy asked me.

"uh- um i'm fine... i'll be okay." i smiled to the boy.

"okay. good. i'm ariya by the way." he said

"oh my gosh! i'm adelaide... you're friends with mikey and kevin, right?" i asked. mikey and kevin had talked about their other roommate but we had never met.

"the last time i heard someone call mike that, they ended up with a black eye." he laughed. "he must care about you." ariya smiled.

i laughed at this, knowing mikey was a badass but also knowing he wouldn't hurt me.

"who was that guy? do you know him?" ariya asked me

"uh he's my neighbor, downstairs. i don't want anyone to know about it though because between mikey and colby, that man wouldn't live to see another day if they found out what he did. if it gets worse, i'll tell them." i said

"hey it's up to you. i won't tell them a thing." he said

i smiled to him and then he offered to walk me to mikey and kevin's apartment, which was only down the hall but i still accepted.

he unlocked the door and let me in.

"mikey!" i smiled, giving him a big hug

"adelaide!" he laughed, hugging me back. "you met ariya?" he asked.

"yeah... we uh met in the elevator." i smiled as ariya nodded.

"oh cool." he said, grabbing his juul off of the counter.

"alright, i'm heading out." ariya said. mike and i both said bye to him as he left.

"are you okay?" mikey asked me.

"yeah... i'm fine why?" i kind of lied.

"you just seem upset. you know you can tell me anything, yeah? i'll beat anyone's ass for you." he smiled.

"i know you would. but it's alright, i'm okay." i smiled at his protective nature.

"so what do ya wanna do tonight?" he asked

"is kevin here? we could all go for dinner or we could watch a movie or something." i suggested.

"kev is editing and said he won't be able to hang out but you and i could go out for dinner." he smiled

"yeah that's fine." i smiled back.

he grabbed his keys and his phone, walking to the door. he held the door open for me and then we walked down the long hallway together, getting into the elevator that i had just been assaulted in.

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