🌻Part 4🌻

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Bidding bye to Anika at school, Vikram headed to his working place when he remembered that he forget an important file back at home, he hurriedly ran back to home to grasp that file.

He entered the house and start looking for the file here and there. Finally after looking for five minutes he found the file under Anika's small bed.

A soft smile carpeted on Vikram's face glancing Anika's small bed and her favourite toy, her teddy bear without whom she never sleep.

Vikram : My daughter is twelve years old Anu's teddy but you know when I see some girl getting married my heart bleeds imagining that one day, I too have to bid bye to my Anu.

I wish Anu would be my son instead of daughter and then, she won't have to leave his Chachu and you too, teddy. Have I said correct na teddy?

He asked wiping his tears.

"Yes, you said correct but it's fact that girls have to bid bye to their parents and Chachu." A voice came over.

Vikram kept the teddy back looking at the owner of voice. He gets shocked to see couple of people standing at the door.

Vikram: Daksh sir, Veer sir what you guys are doing here and why you and these people came here. Everything alright?

Daksh: Vikram, Vikram don't call me sir anymore. Call me just Daksh

Veer: Me as Veer bhaiya or just as Veer too. I don't have any problem with that.

Vikram : I didn't get you both

Daksh: Vikram it's simple when inbetween two families the foundation of strong relation is kept then there's no need of getting formal even if we share the relation of boss and employee. Right bhaiya?

Veer: Absolutely right Daksh.

Vikram: Hold on which relation foundation you people are talking about? Sorry but I didn't get you both.

Veer and Daksh glances each other and smiled.

Veer: Vikram simply that relation which groom family shares with bride family

Vikram: What?

Daksh: Yeah!

Vikram: But I don't want to get married

Veer and Daksh again exchange a look and everyone burst out at Vikram's statement.

Vikram: What happened why you people are laughing like that?

Oberoi Mansion

Shivaay's room

Svetlana: Shivaay beta please come here and take your medicines

Shivaay: bhabhi please it's just last over. You keep them on table I'll take myself

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