° What's on the Other Side? °

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"Just take it slow and don't force yourself if you feel any type of pain," the doctor spoke. My arm was looped through his, trying to will myself to stand. The tile was cool under my feet, I was ready for this. I can do this.

It takes quite a few muscles to make yourself simply stand, at least that's how it felt. It ached deeply to my bones, but not enough to make me stop. Standing on both feet, I felt more than accomplished given the information I've been told of my conditions.

"Try to take a few steps," he insisted. My arm clung to his for support in case I slipped or misstepped. Slowly, I made my way across the room and the doctor looked incredibly happy. "I believe you can be moved to a normal room. We'll still keep you here for a few days, but you should be able to leave soon with supervision."

It was bittersweet. I definitely wanted to get out of this room with nurses coming to check on me every hour, but I.. I couldn't remember anyone that could come get me. Does that mean I'll be stuck here forever?


I was given suggestions for muscle therapy places, the top of my list was a recreational swimming facility. I liked swimming.. I think. My memory didn't come back like everyone hoped it would, but I was doing well enough that the doctor believed I would be fine to go home by myself, with the exception that I called immediately if I needed help. I wasn't on pain killers anymore so I should be fine on my own.

I slowly walked down the hallway and toward the admission desk. A lady was standing there, brown hair pulled into a tight bun on top of her head. She was dressed nicely, her clothes wrinkle free and very modern looking. A beautiful gold banded wedding ring adorned her finger, a thin gold necklace with a sapphire pendant to match. She wore little makeup, but she really didn't need it.

Her face lit up when she saw me, "Y/n," she said, outstretching her arms for a hug. "They wouldn't let me back there," she mumbled before pulling me close. I didn't want to say 'oh lady, I have absolutely no idea who you are' so I opted for a friendly smile when she finally let me go. "Your father will be over the moon."

She led me to a very very expensive looking car and we were off. The midday sun beat down on the pavement, making it almost impossible for me to see because of the reflection. The woman was steady talking about a million different things, but I kind of zoned out to stare out the window. A police siren screamed off in the distance, but the sound seemed to get closer.

And closer.

And closer.

A grey sedan came flying toward the intersection, the lady driving not noticing. The car rammed right into my side of the car, sending it flying across the road. It happened so fast, yet everything was happening in slow motion. I heard a scream, the sound of metal crunching against itself, glass shattering. The sun reflected off the tiny shards of glass that flew past me. As soon as we hit the ground, everything went black.

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