° A Rude Introduction °

922 16 0

I clenched my arms tightly around my body, the crisp wind cutting straight to my bones. The heels of my boots clicked against the pavement with each step, echoing off the buildings in the alley. I should've grabbed a thicker jacket.

My pace quickened, eager to get back to my apartment.. Eager to get back to warmth. It wasn't necessarily cold, but my choice of outfit didn't help my case. Louisiana weather normally didn't get anywhere close to freezing, yet I still felt as if my fingers would snap off at the slightest bit of force. A cold front pushed our usually comfortable temperatures into the high 40s. The wind still had a chill that cut straight to the bone, definitely cutting through my thin jacket and jeans.

Nearly stumbling up the stairs to my apartment in the duplex, fingers clumsily searching my jacket pocket for my keys. Stupid frozen fingers.

Slipping the key in the door, I heard barking from the other side. "Shh Baxter, shh," I said, pushing the large boxer backwards so I could squeeze inside. His stubby tail was going 90 miles an hour, that lopsided grin on his face as he panted happily. I reached for his leash on the coat rack beside the door. He wiggled excitedly as I clipped the leash on & he nearly drug me down the stairs to the grass. 

Baxter was staring at something off in the distance toward the corner of the building as I tugged his leash. "C'mon boy. Are you hungry?" He didn't react to me at all, which was odd. His stare persisted, those ears perked up in curiosity. "Baaaxterrr," I insisted, giving another tug.

     boof. boRK. BARK.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as a shadow came from around the duplex. What the hell? It's nearly 3 am, why would anyone be outside at this time? Baxter growled deeply between barks, his white teeth bared in the direction of danger.

"Hey!! Woah, woah hey! Calm down your dog!" A tall, slender figure emerged from the other side of the wall, hands held up in a surrendering gesture. I quickly snapped out of my fear and pulled Baxter backwards, who was still growling. "S-sorry! I'm not sure what's gotten into him, I promise he doesn't bite!"

"Well he doesn't seem very friendly to me," the man scoffed, looking both Baxter & I up and down, his deep brown eyes holding me in place. They held a sense of unease, he obviously wasn't expecting to encounter anyone at this hour. The man reached behind the side of the building & pulled out a large trash bag. "I can't even take my garbage out without some mutt in the duplex trying to eat me. Nearly spilled everywhere and that, my dear, would have been a tragedy."

I glared at the man in disbelief, Baxter had stopped growling but his stare still stood. "He isn't a-"

"Yeah, yeah", the man waved his free hand in a discarding motion, cutting me off. "Not a mutt, yet still misbehaved like such."

My jaw dropped yet no words could escape my mouth. How could someone be so entitled? "You could've taken your trash out any time today. Why now, at 3 am?"

"I figured I'd be safe from mutts & hookers at this hour but apparently I was mistaken," He smirked. "I hate to cut this short, but this is of utmost importance. Pardon me."

He turned his nose up & headed toward the dumpsters behind the duplex. My anger boiled over like an overflowing glass of wine. "C'mon Baxter," I muttered, pulling him up the stairs and back inside.

"Fuckin hooker.. seriously?" I seethed, unclipping my dog and closing the door behind me. I slipped off my jacket and hung it on the rack. Baxter trotted happily across the living room and grabbed his favorite squeaky duck before making himself comfy on the couch. "Although.. a hooker would probably make better pay than I do."

I laughed to myself and shook my head, heading towards my bedroom and slipping my heeled boots off in the hallway. I honestly couldn't believe the audacity of that guy, who did he think he was? Such an entitled brat, probably living here off mommy and daddy's money and looking down on everyone else as if he were somehow superior.

I glanced at my reflection in the vanity & quickly looked away. I was attractive, sure, but what exactly was I doing with my life? My job was cliche, a stripper with no future goals or aspirations.. just trying to get by. I used my looks to bring in cash and at times, a cheap thrill. I blew my money on whatever I wanted and a decent place to live, with the occasional weekend excitement. My looks were nothing compared to the turmoil that brewed inside.

The cool tile of the bathroom floor sent a chill through my body. As always, here came Baxter trotting through the apartment after me. I slipped inside the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I didn't feel like fighting him to stop him from jumping into the tub. Turning the shower on, I slipped out of my outfit from tonight. The warm water made the tension from my muscles almost instantly release, an audible sigh escaped my lips. I relaxed for a few moments before beginning to wash my hair.

My thoughts drifted everywhere, even after I was out of the shower and wrapped in my favorite fluffy towel. I took off my makeup & ran a brush through my hair. One of the few things I liked about myself was my hair. It was my favorite asset, I could change the length or color whenever I wanted to feel like a 'new person'. Currently it was (your hair color & length), but I'd probably change it again soon. I disliked it being the same all the time.

I finished drying myself off & slipped under the thick blankets on my bed, Baxter jumping up to sleep beside me. Thoughts of the man from earlier plagued my thoughts, I was still practically steaming at his ill-mannered comments. I tried finding humor in it but didn't see any. Thoughts of telling him off drifted through my head before sleep overcame me.

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