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~Jessica POV

"Oh my baby is growing up so fast." My dad said sitting on the edge of my bed. "Dad this is the third time you've said that today." I said looking up from my phone. "I know it's just, you're a senior now. Seems like yesterday you were starting kindergarten." He said reminiscing. "Well look on the brighter side. You still got a few more years with Adrianna." I said referring to my little sister.

"Yeah. I just wish your mother was here to see you." He said. My mother was away serving her time in the army. She had been gone for about two years now and I miss her everyday. "She will be. She told me she wouldn't miss my graduation for the world. Now let me rest." I laughed hugging him. "Alright, alright. Just promise me you wont let no one get in your way from being the Valedictorian. I need you to be at the top." He smiled. "Goodnight dad." I said pushing him towards my door. "Goodnight Jess." Once I closed my door I cut off my light. I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m.

I couldn't wait to start school and get this year over with. No troubles, just me, my grades and I.

~Isaiah POV

"Ight Auntie I know. You don't have to keep reminding of this bullshit ass school." I scoffed over the phone.

"Well Zay you don't have a choice. With your intelligence and everything you can do, the School of Arts is best for you." She said.

"So what I'm supposed to do if I let my problems get the best of me?"

"I haven't spent all that money on therapy sessions for nothing. Use what they taught you. Control yourself baby." She said.

"Ight auntie. I'm going to bed." I hung up the phone sitting in this empty ass house.

I spent most of my time with my auntie back home in Kirkwood. I grew up in the hood so all this upper class bullshit, I'm not used to. Tomorrow is my first day at a school like this. But it's my only shot to make it where I want to be so why the fuck not.

I turned all the lights off in the house and went upstairs in my room. I took off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my boxer briefs.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello." I answered already knowing it was my auntie. She was the only person I talked to. I don't trust nobody else but her. "You was still sleep wasn't you." She said. "I'm up now." I sighed. "Call me when you get to school. You are riding the bus right?" She asked. "Why would I do that if I got a car." I said.

"Just call me when you get there okay." She said. "Yeah ight." I hung up the phone and just laid there looking at the ceiling. "Fuck." I said to myself. I got out my bed making my way to the shower.

After my shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked to my closet pulling out a black crew neck, black jeans and black air max. All my clothes are basically black. You might find a little color or something in there but it's rare. After I got dressed, I sprayed some cologne on, grabbed my phone and headphones and my keys.

I walked out to my car and got inside. The school was like a 10 minute drive so it wasn't gonna take that long.


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