forty - one

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~Jessica POV

"My baby! What's going on with my baby!" My mom yelled rushing into my hospital room. "Doctor tell us what's going on please." My dad followed. "I need you both to calm down." He said. "I discussed with you before that I was afraid of this. Looking at x-rays and scans, the bullet grazing your daughters spinal cord is what caused her to lose feeling in her legs."

"So she's paralyzed?"

"For now, yes she is." He said. "For now? What the hell do you mean for now?"

"Mom. Dad. Just let him talk." I sighed. I was overwhelmed enough hearing the news once. Now that I'm hearing it again it's just scarier and my parents are not helping. "It's a small chance that your daughters body could be in shock now. A very small chance but it's not zero. With the shock, she should be feeling in her legs again in the next few hours."

"So what exactly do we do until then?"

"The best thing that we can do is monitor her. After two days, if there is no change we have no choice but to let her go." The doctor said. "So that's it? You just send my daughter away after all of this?"

"Sir, I promise you. If there was something else we could do to help her, we would do it." He said before walking out of the room.

**Next Day**

"So thats it?" Isaiah asked over the FaceTime call. "That's all he said."

"They're just going to let you go? They aren't going to try another surgery or something to fix it?" He asked. "I don't want to have another surgery. He gave me a card this morning referring me to a physical therapist to help me out. This is all just overwhelming. My mom is crying every twenty minutes and it turns into her and my dad arguing. I just can't do this."

"I promise you, things will get better." He said. "I hope so. I know you have to get to school so I'll let you go." I said before hanging up.

~Isaiah POV

"Your girlfriend thinks you're at school." Dre said coming back into my living room. "Man shut up and tell me why you wanted to see me." I said looking at him. "I found the people who shot Jessica." He said causing me to readjust myself. "Found them? Where they at?"

"Calm down killa. Homeboy who was toting the gun was posted up at the QT last night. I couldn't do what I needed to do cause he had a gang with him." He said. "So what you gone do?"

"Spin the block one more time. I know the niggas he hang around, I know where they be at. I can catch him lacking on his own." He said. "You think that's safe? Trying to do that on your own?"

"Isaiah bro."

"Just let me come with you."

"And risk you laying in a hospital paralyzed next? Fuck no. I made a promise to my moms that I would look out for you and make sure you do what you supposed to be doing. If I was to let you ride in that car with me I would be going against everything I promised her." He said. "I get you made a promise, but I need to help. I need to play a part in this."

"Then go be there for your girl. That's how you can play a part in this."

**Later On**

"I cancelled my plans to come see what was so important with you." Keaunte said walking into my house. "Stop bitching."

"Why weren't you in school today?" He asked as we sat down. "Wasn't feeling up for it. Look that's not important right now. I got something I want to do for Jessica tonight. Something to put a smile on her face with all this shit she's been through these past few weeks." I said.

"Alright so what you got in mind?"

"So I know she has to be cooped up in that hospital room for one more night so I figured I'd make it a little easier for her. Can you talk to your mom and get her to make a good meal. Something that I can bring to her, a good meal for a date. I'm bout to hit up the mall and buy her a gift." I said. "I'll see what I can do." He said. "What kind of gift you getting her?"

"Something that I know she's been wanting for a while."

**Later On**

~Jessica POV

I was laying in the bed looking up at the ceiling. Just thinking. Thinking about how much my life has went downhill in these past few months. I mean, I never imagined anything like this for myself. I imagined forever happiness, not this. My thoughts were interrupted with a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opened as balloons filled the room. I saw Isaiah walking in with bags. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Making things better for you." He said sitting the balloons down. "I know you don't like this nasty ass hospital food, so I figured I would bring you something better to it." He took out a box of food and I opened it.

"Now I know you ain't cook all this good food." I said making him laugh a little. "Keaunte's mom made it for you. I know last time you had her food you was OD about it so I asked for a favor." He said. "You didn't have to do this Isaiah." I said. "I wanted to. I needed to. And I got one more thing for you." He said making me raise a brow.

"Close your eyes for me."

I closed my eyes as I heard the sound of bags rattling. I felt the cold metal touch my neck as I put my hand over a pendant. I looked sown seeing a necklace with a heart and a picture of me and Isaiah inside of it. "Oh my gosh."

"I remember you showing me a picture saying that you wanted one, I figured why not." He said. "Thank you so much." I said with a smile small wiping the tear that had fell from my eye. "I got you some other little things but it's not as major as that. We'll look at them later." He said sitting down. "Right now, just enjoy your food." He said.


"Thank you again, for all of this." I said to Isaiah as he stood up putting his jacket on. "Jess stop thanking me." He said kissing me. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "See you." He walked out the room leaving a smile on my face.

A few minutes passed and another knock came across my door. "Come in." I said. "You aren't supposed to he here." I said to Joshua as he walked into my room. "Well I am. I can't stop thinking about you. About what happened to you. And I heard whats going on." He said. "That didn't mean come visit me. I don't want you here at all so you need to leave." I said.

"Do you hate me?" He asked. "Joshua."

"Just answer the question Jessica. Do you hate me after what happened?" He asked. "I don't hate anyone." I said. "I just want things to start over between us. To change." He said. "There's no point in that, you're supposed to be leaving. It's better off if we just let this go."

"I'm not leaving. Not yet anyway. Just, let's start over, please." He said grabbing my hand. "Joshua, I can't just forget about what you tried to do to me." I said. "I know that. And I wish it never happened." He said. "But I don't want to end things off like this with you."

"If Isaiah knew you were in here right now he'd kill you." I said shaking my head. "Then don't tell him." He said. He looked at me as his face got closer to mine. "Joshua." I said.

He leaned in and kissed me.


~ashkash2 💋

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