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~Jessica POV

"Looks like your business is booming." Joshua said approaching me. "Didn't think I would see you here." I said. "Well after yesterday, there's been a lot of hype about it. Figured I come see what it was about." He shrugged. "Do you like what you see."

"I do." He said looking at me.

"That's not what I meant." I said laughing a little. "So I was thinking maybe we could go out tonight." He said. "Go out where exactly?" I asked. "I don't know. Dinner, a movie. Maybe that arcade we used to go to all the time. Are you free?"

"Well after I close up here I just have to drop the money of at Isaiah's then I'm good to go." I said. "Cool. Just text me when you're ready, I'm going to walk around here for a minute." He said before walking off.

"And there it is." Keaunte said approaching me. "You scared me, don't be sneaking up on me like that." I said. "It wasn't Isaiah that got you all googley eyed, it's that bitch." He said. "You didn't have to call him a bitch Keaunte." I said shaking my head. "My bad, defend your man." He said holding his hands up. "He's not my man, we're just friends."

"So that means you and my boy are over?"

"We never started. Isaiah's actions have made it clear to me that I never had a chance. And I'm not wasting my time on a dude who had sex with my so called best friend. Is that okay with you Keaunte?" I asked.

"Do you boo."

~Isaiah POV

"It's been a minute since I've been here to see you." I said sitting down next to my dad's grave. "I think the last time I was here, I was ten." I said shaking my head. "I just don't get this shit pops. I mean you had me, left me here with this sorry excuse of a mom. Then I finally find a woman in my life who loves me like her own just for her to leave me too." I scoffed.

"Sometimes I think I fucked up somewhere and this is the payback for it. I hope this surgery works. I don't want to bury another family member."


It was going on seven and the fight started at eight. I got out the bed feeling a slight pain in my stomach. "Not tonight."I said to myself. I went into my drawer grabbing the pain medicine that my doctor gave to me when I was released from the hospital. I never took one but I needed all my energy tonight for this twenty grand and no stomach pain was going to stop me.

I took the medicine and went in the bathroom.

"Let's do this shit."


I pulled up to the ring and the parking lot was packed. "Niggas is really out here." I said getting out the car. I walked into the ring going into a back room. "It's 7:50. You running late or something?" The boss said walking in. "Did the match start yet?"


"Well then I'm not late. Now if you'd excuse me, I need to get ready." I said. "Ight well fyi, this is a one match fight." He said making me raise a brow. "Why'd the rules change?" I asked. "Because they did. So you either win the money or you don't." He walked out the room leaving me alone. I put on my shorts and my shoes. After putting in my mouth guard, I went out onto the ring. "Where's your guy?" The referee asked referring to Dre. "Not here obviously. Let's get this show started." I said.

You could hear the crowd getting louder when the dude I was fighting came out on the ring. He was about the same height is me, definitely buffer.

"Introducing the Kraken!" He came out to the middle. He was hyped as hell. The ref introduced me and the fight started. One clean move to knock this nigga out and the money is mine. I attempted a blow to his face but he dodged it and sent one back. I dusted that off and got my hit back. We kept going back and forth.

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